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Ethical Dilemma Paper

Essay Instructions:



I need the writer who really has the nursing experience to write this essay, otherwise they do not know how to write it, and this is my second time to order the same assignment. The last writer who did the not the good job, and this time, the assignment is worth 20% for my total, it is very important for me, please get the good writer for me, thank you so much. 

Dear writer: Please Follow the rubric carefully, thank you 

I am a nursing student, so the assignment has to relate to nursing filed. 

All references should be Scholarly papers, at least 4 CNO standard- 

“code of ethics” references and book. My teacher will check it.

This assignment is also has to related to CNO standard. Please google CNO standard online. 

Link: http://www(dot)cno(dot)org/Global/docs/prac/41034_Ethics.pdf?epslanguage=en

I sent to you sample for this assignment, you can read them; they can give you some ideas. And please have to use the following definitions in this assignment: 

1. Causing harm to patients in the form of pain and suffering from continuing treatment is a source of moral distress for nurses that they often believe could be avoided. “Moral distress arises in situations where nurses know or believe they know the right thing to do, but for various reasons (including fear or circumstances beyond their control), do not or cannot take the right action to prevent a particular harm” (CNA, 2008, P, 6).

2 An ethical dilemma is a conflict between two sets of human values, both of which are judged to be “good” but neither of which can be fully served. Ethical dilemma can cause distress and confusion for patients and caregivers. 

3. The CNA (2008) Code of Ethics identified the responsibility of nurses to maintain their “fitness to practice” as having the “necessary physical, mental or emotional capacity to practice safely and competently” (p. 18) 

Reference: all definitions from:

Perry, A., Potter, P. (2010). Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing Revised Fourth Edition. Toronto: Elsevier Canada.

I have to sent the assignment through Safe Assignment which is a software, they will know if I copy from other people’s, please be careful. Tank you. 

To the new writer: 

I have a good sample for this assignment, please use this one:

Last term, i had placement in the long term care, In the morning, I finished a morning care for my client, and I did assessment for my client, I did temperatures, pulse, blood pressure,… and I find the client‘s blood pressure is high, (writer have to search the number on line for blood pressure), and I report it to nurse. The nurse said she will give medication to her, and then I went to break, after I came back, when I made the bed I find the 2 white pills on the client’s bed. Then I check the client’s blood pressure again, which is still high, I ask the nurse if the client take medication for blood pressure. The nurse said yes, and she informed her colleagues that she was sure the patient would take his medication………

I don’t know if these 2 pills is for blood pressure, these may for last night, I don’t know. But if the nurse did not see the client taking…

she had dispensed medication to one of the patients without physically confirming that the patient had taken the medication. When cautioned about it by her colleagues, she informed them that she was sure the patient would take his medication even if she did not see him taking; this was a deliberate action

as a nursing student, I can not questioning an experiences register nurse, I don’t know what should I do……… 

I felt moral distress……..

And writer need to combine this story smoothly and more detail, this is a roughly one.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Dilemma
Course title:
Ethical Dilemma
Ethics entails doing what is good and not causing any harm. Nursing professionals time and again find themselves in situations that are ethically questionable and which contradict their professional and personal morals. When a nurse encounters an ethical dilemma in a situation where she cannot do what she considers the right thing, she experiences moral distress (Ganz, Wagner & Toren, 2015). This paper provides a reflection of one experience in my nursing practice which caused me to experience a moral dilemma. What the implications and/or consequences for the client were are described. Furthermore, this paper describes how the situation conflicted with my personal or professional beliefs and values and how I dealt with the situation at the time.
Description of the Circumstances
The case which I experienced while in nursing practice entailed ethical decision-making on a client who presented at the hospital with Multiple Sclerosis condition who declined to consume the diet as ordered by the doctor. Nurses should therefore be in full awareness of the patients cultural and religious beliefs that may come in conflict with their beliefs and that may have a negative impact on both the parties involved. It is essential to determine the fact that in any nurse-patient encounter, the element of therapeutic relation remains an essential factor; however, this relationship may be pressured due to an ethical issue. This therefore results in an emotional experience for the client and the nurse who may lead to a feeling of confusion, tension and stress. In this state, the patient and the nurse are both affected by the storm of moral and emotional. The nurses therefore need assistance from the ethics committee to have an additional ability to provide beneficial and positive care to the patient irrespective of the situation that may result from an ethical conflict.
The client, Mr. Stevie Andrews, aged 71, has been living with Multiple Sclerosis since when he was aged 61. In the last 2 and half years, his condition has worsened and he was brought to the facility due to acute pneumonia and shortness of breath. By looking at the patient, it was clear that he had dysphagia, was underweight, had wasting of muscle, and weakness of muscle and he appeared depressed. In addition, the patient had decubitus ulcers and nuchal rigidity. Given that the patient demonstrated increased dysphagia and increased likelihood of malnutrition as well as dehydration, the doctor ordered that the patient be fed with the use of a nasogastric feeding tubing. Nonetheless, the patient was against the use of nasogastric tube for feeding. He insisted on eating the normal way using his mouth and he wanted to eat the regular foods which he was used to eating. As a nurse, I knew that it was not safe for Mr. Stevie Andrews to eat by herself. In this paper, I provide an explanation of the way in which I resolved this moral dilemma and how the patient’s rights were affected. The ethical principles in nursing are used to examine this situation exhaustively.
What the Implications and Consequences for the Client Were
To resolve the situation in a satisfactory manner, it was of great importance to comprehend the knowledge, beliefs as well as values of every person who was involved in some way in the situation, including the patient himself. The elderly patient Mr. Stevie Andrews wanted to continue eating the regular foods which he has always been eating and to eat them through the mouth: he values continuing to live his life like he has always lived. The patient has autonomy/client choice to decide the course of his life. According to the College of Nurses of Ontario Practice Standard (2009), client choice refers to self-determination and comprises the right to the information needed to make decisions and to consent to or decline care. Patients understand the context wherein they live as well as their own values and beliefs. Therefore, when they have the needed information, they would be able to decide what is best for themselves (College of Nurses of Ontario, 2009). It is worth mentioning that the client is a competent person who was informed about the effects and outcomes of his decision to his health. He was told that if he ate with the mouth, he may choke and suffocate but he still chose to eat through the mouth rather than to be fed using nasogastric feeding tube.
Moreover, one of fellow nurses valued health promotion and patient well-being very much and she always tried her best to ensure that the patients she works with attain their best possible level of health. This is important since every medical practitioner is actually required to offer patient care that is not just ethical, but also excellent and safe (Garity, 2010). This nurse was aware of Mr. Stevie Andrews’ condition and understood that if the client developed aspiratory pneumonia, he may actually die. As ordered by the doctor, my colleague wanted to insert the nasogastric feeding tubing into the client’s stomach through his nose against the patient’s wishes. Carrying out this feeding procedure was believed to actually be the right thing to do for the patient’s health as well as for the patient’s safety - beneficence. Even so, my colleague was not aware of the values and beliefs held by the client. My colleague did not take into consideration the values, wants and wishes of the client with regard to this situation. If a health care provider does not understand the values of the client she or he is caring for, then the health care provider may not provide patient care that is ethically competent. Being aware of the values held by the patient is key to ensuring ethical practice (Ganz, Wagner & Toren, 2015). However, we did not feed the patient forcefully using nasogatric feeding tube as ordered by the doctor.
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