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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Eradicate the Cause of Unhealthy Eating among the Children of Latino Farmers

Essay Instructions:

Scholarly Activity Summary
This document describes the scholarly activity elements that should be included in a five paragraph summary. You may use this resource to help guide the preparation of the Scholarly Activities assignment, due in Topic 10.
This section consists of a single paragraph that succinctly describes the scholarly activity that you attended/participated in, the target market for the activity, and the benefit of the activity to you.
This section consists of either a short narrative or a list of bullet points that concisely identifies the problems the scholarly activity is designed to solve. Educate: What is the current state of the activity topic? Explain why this is a problem, and for whom is it a problem? Inspire: What could a nurse achieve by participating in the scholarly activity? Use declarative sentences with simple words to communicate each point. Less is more.
This section consists of either a short paragraph or a list of bullet points that concisely describes the solution to a proposed practice problem that the scholarly activity addressed and how it addresses the problem outlined in the previous section.
This section consists of short paragraphs that define the opportunity that the scholarly activity is designed to capture. It is important to cover the objectives and goals that were met. How will attending/participating in this scholarly activity help you grow as a nurse?
Program Competencies Addressed
This section consists of a list of program competencies that were addressed in this scholarly activity. Please use the list from the ISP.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Scholarly Activity Summary
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
The scholarly activity involved the exploration of the different factors that influence the healthy-eating decision-making in early adolescent children of Latino migrant farmworkers (Kilanowski, 2015). The rate of lifestyle-related disorders has highly increased and, therefore, this has called for the attention of medical practitioners to educate the masses on the importance of eating healthy. In addition, the target population of this scholarly activity was the Latino families as well as medical practitioners. This activity was important to me because, as a medical practitioner, I will require this knowledge when educating people on how to eat healthy in order to avoid certain disorders such as diabetes.
This scholarly activity was designed to eradicate the cause of unhealthy eating by discussing the influences that result in healthy eating among the children of Latino farmers. The current situation is that the immigrant Latinos are in the process of adapting to the eating habits of the host countries and, therefore, this has become a challenge in their eating habits. The immigrants have to get used to the new eating habits. This scholarly activity is important to a nurse because it would help them in understanding the current eating trends that could result in complications that require their attention. Having known the factors influencing the eating habits among the adolescents of Latino immigrants, it will be easy for a nurse to how where to begin when dealing with a Latino patient.
The scholar...
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