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Equality for Immigrants (Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Textbook: Chapter 15


Completed Week 5 Source Evaluation Worksheet (included annotated bibliography)

Minimum of 5 scholarly sources


This week, all the hard work you have done in researching your topic and issue will come to fruition in your argumentative paper. Once you feel you have got the final draft, try to put the paper aside, even for a few hours, and then read it again.

Did you address at least three aspects of the issue you chose?

Does each aspect have relevant and authoritative evidence in support of your point?

Have you included a view that is in opposition to your viewpoint, and have you answered that opposing view, pointing out its flaws in such a way as to refute it?

Edit your paper – look for wordiness, repetition, vagueness, ambiguities. Check the organization of the paper as a whole; make sure each paragraph maintains focus. After you are satisfied that the content of your paper is good, carefully proofread it and correct mechanical errors.

Here is a brief breakdown of the project so that you can plan your time in the course:



Week 1

Topic Selection

Week 3

Issue Review (both sides)

Week 5

Thesis & Annotated Bibliography (both sides)

Week 7

Argumentative Paper


This week, you will complete your argumentative paper. Following the directions in assigned textbook reading on how write an argumentative essay on the issue you chose in Week 1. Be sure your essay contains the following:

An opening paragraph that states a clear thesis that is focused, plausible, and arguable and that gives direction and purpose to the paper

A fair-minded, balanced, and objective development of the pros and cons of the issue in a well-organized sequence of ideas, free of mechanical errors

Credible, reliable, and authoritative evidence in support of the points made

A strong conclusion that summarizes your views, reminds the audience of the issue and its importance, and shows in brief that you have successfully defended your thesis


As you do your research, it is permissible to change your sources. Also, because of the recency and relevance of these issues, no sources older than 5 years should be used other than as historical information. Critical thinkers do the research first and then side with the preponderance of evidence. You might want to follow that principle.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 4-6 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page

please use my 5 scholarly sources only

- Use my Topic Issues

Issue: Immigration

Aspect 1: Poverty

Pro: International Migration. Feb2019, Vol. 57 Issue 1, p264-280. 17p. 4 Charts, 2 Graphs.

The author comes up with how in Denmark, compared to Germany, a larger part of the native‐immigrant poverty difference is explained by market valuation of characteristics and by unobservable. Family, friends, and elders are vulnerable in both countries.

Con: Blume, K., B. Gustafsson, P.J. Pedersen, et al. 2005 " A Tale of Two Countries: Poverty and Income Distribution Among Immigrants in Denmark and Sweden Since 1984 ", in G.J. Borjas and J. Crisp (Eds), Poverty, International Migration and Asylum. Macmillan, Palgrave : 317 – 340.

According to the OECD, Denmark has one of the lowest poverty rates in the OECD and the rate in Germany is not above average. However, when immigrants in these countries are considered, especially those coming from middle and low‐income countries outside the EU, poverty rates are much higher.

Aspect 2: Employment

Pro: Journal of Policy Analysis & Management. Jan2020, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p267-274. 8p.

The author presents the case, The idea that having a job in the U.S., even as a laborer or manual worker, is a good way of entry to the U.S. and is beneficial to immigrants and local economies, is based on historical experience. Without immigrants, many businesses, for example, agriculture, construction, and hospitality would be decreased by more than twenty percent. Immigrants from all over the world have work so hard to make the U.S sectors of high tech, science, and technology.

Con: Abramitzky, R., Boustan, L. P., & Eriksson, K. (2014). A nation of immigrants: Assimilation and economic outcomes in the age of mass migration. Journal of Political Economy, 122, 467 – 506.

The labor Market reports that in the last decades, a huge body of research has inspected the economic effects of recent immigrants to the United states. Their focus was to see their impact on labor market, especially on the wages and employment of natives. However, the minimum wage and employment effects of immigrants on natives seem very small.

Aspect 3: Education

Pro: Sociological Inquiry. Aug2018, Vol. 88 Issue 3, p435-466. 32p. 6 Charts.

The author talks about immigrant entrepreneurship has become one of major topics in the field of immigration studies. Immigrants have been considered not only a means to socioeconomic mobility for immigrants, but also an engine for job growth in the economy. Many of these well‐educated immigrants established small businesses to evade blocked mobility, using their ethnic and class resources.

Con: Borjas, George. 1986. “The Self‐employment Experience of Immigrants.” Journal of Human Resources 21(4):485–506.

The article states that immigrants are also likely to have greater ethnic and class resources for the establishment and operation of businesses by virtue of residing in a much larger ethnic. community and a higher-class background. Well educated immigrants have less disadvantages in finding their occupations.

- Use my Annotated Bibliography and Source Evaluation


"Education is key to life": the importance of education from the perspective of displaced learners. Forced Migration Review. 2019 03(60):41-3.

The importance of education for today’s success is essential for anyone. It allows people to make better decisions relating to their career choices and success in life. The authors, researches at the University of East London have been offering a stimulus funded ten weeks course for people who wish to prepare for their education. However, immigrants have been facing several barriers to get into higher school such as, immigration statues, access to fiancé, and proof of qualification. In fact, they find all these courses that are strongly going to help them. For instance, academic skills, lectures, writing, IT literacy, photography, and even workshops will be provided to them. Also, they are offering a way for students to plan their pathway through education by choosing the right university and finding scholarships.

Source Evaluation

2a. Yes, my source is current. It provides many great details on how education is important. It determines the quality and value of the information provided within it.

2b. This is a scholarly source. The authors were very confident and published their study in a peer-reviewed journal. This source is credible, reliable, and authoritative because it represents the true findings and conducts by different people.

2c. This source fully supports my thesis that how education is essential for today’s success because it will help people by making better decisions relating to their career choices and success in life.

2d. This source is very popular; it used to show how difficult it was for immigrants to get higher education.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Equality for Immigrants
Equality for Immigrants
The current global trends are some of the most dynamic. With the upheavals experienced in various countries periodically as well as the increased rate of globalization, there will always be movement of people from one country to another. This basically means that at any one time, there will be new issues to handle for any country, when it comes to how to handle immigrants. One of the biggest debates in the world today is whether immigrants should be accorded equal treatment as host citizens in terms of employment, education, and elevation from poverty. Several people have different opinions, with a fraction supporting the notion while another fraction is opposing the idea. Those who support granting immigrants equal treatment have majorly based their arguments on the perception that immigrants have helped in supporting their host countries. On the contrary, the faction that is opposed to equal treatment for immigrants claims that by doing so, the migrants are taking up opportunities belonging to citizens of the hosting nation. From scientific research conducted over the years, this paper highlights the reasons why immigrants deserve the right to be accorded equal treatment as natives in matters of education, employment, and alleviation from poverty.
Poverty Aspects
Apart from violence and political upheavals in their mother countries, immigrants’ reasons to move is usually tied to their fight against poverty. They move to other nations in search of better living conditions and job opportunities as well. To this end therefore, they usually hope that they will be better off at their foster country compared to their home nation. These individuals would therefore, be ready to do a lot of things, so as to not only survive but also thrive in their new environments wherever they are in. Fighting against poverty is hence, a crucial aspect of their consideration in this debate about their position in the new countries.
It is no doubt that most immigrants across the globe belong to the low-class level, and this is because, at their entry point to host a nation, most of them usually own nothing. However, research has shown that provided with some employment level, be it tertiary or formal type of employment, the immigrant gets alleviated from poverty and helps the host nation grow by becoming also contributes to the country's GDP growth (Gonzalez-Barrera & Connor, 2019).The Scandinavian nations are a good case in point. For instance, Germany and Denmark have some of the lowest poverty levels in Europe on average among immigrants. The low levels in these two countries are attributed to native immigrants, who, unlike other immigrants from Turkey and developing countries, access some form of employment hence becoming active in growing the GDP.
Stability among immigrants in Denmark and Germany regarding immigrants is only attributed to native immigrants from another European country who can quickly secure employment. Therefore, this factor has influenced the rising inequality among immigrants in the two nations, with native migrants scoring higher in the poverty index than those from the East and third world countries. Therefore, to change the situation, it is convincible to empower even the non-native immigrants in the two countries in terms of getting employment as it helps not only in bridging the inequality gap between native and non-native immigrants but also lowers the poverty levels in the country at large.
In a nutshell, a country’s poverty statistics are directly affected by every component of its populace. These immigrants are also part and parcel of this population. The governments of these countries cannot hide their heads in the sand and try to marginalize immigrants over the natives, while hoping that they won’t have a direct impact on the general statistics. As long as there is some economic inequality, the pressure borne by these immigrants will eventually spill over to the rest of the population. There will always be something to be shared to these individuals, even if the government hasn’t planned for the same.
Employment Aspect
Various studies have shown that immigrants play a more significant role in the American economy's growth, especially in the informal sector (Sequeira, Nunn & Qian, 2020). Many immigrants have entered the United States workforce as manual laborers in agriculture, construction, and hospitality (Sequeira, Nunn & Qian, 2020). As a result, migrants involved in the United States' workforce have led many businesses in the informal sectors to come up. According to experts, without immigrants in America's labor force today, companies in informal sectors will reduce by up to 20% (Sequeira, Nunn & Qian, 2020). In addition to improving the informal sector, immigrants have also played significant roles science and technology sector. Going by the facts stated above, it is prudent to argue that indeed immigrants can play critical roles in spurring a country's growth and therefore should not be denied employment opportunities.
Subsequently, contradicting opinions from oppos...
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