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Epilepsy. The Nervous System

Essay Instructions:

In this module, you have learned a considerable amount of the nervous system. For this case assignment, you will select and explore a behavioral condition or other CNS pathology. In the book, Neurobehavioral Anatomy on your ebrary bookshelf, you will find chapters that investigate various behavioral pathologies. I recommend beginning here to find your topic. Additional topics may include: Depression Post-traumatic stress disorder Multiple sclerosis Epilepsy After you have independently researched a topic, you will prepare a 2-3 page paper in which you describe: Describe the regions of the brain believed to be associated with this condition. Discuss the anatomy/physiology of the pathologic process you have selected. Specifically focus on how normal anatomy/physiology has been altered to present the disease state you have selected. Note: This assignment will require you to engage in independent research to learn about diseases of the central nervous system. Assignment Expectations Format Remember that all of your work should be prepared using appropriate format. This link from your course syllabus page will help reinforce formatting expectations: http://www(dot)trident(dot)edu/files/Well-Written-Paper.pdf Scholarly Content Your SLP and your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your final work should include a MINIMUM of 10 peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. This does not mean that you must place 10 peer reviewed sources in each module of your Case/SLP. I anticipate that the nature of the questions which must be answered in this project will result in the accumulation of more than 10 references, but 10 is the minimum number. This means by the end of module 5, I should be able to go back and count AT A MINIMUM a total of 10 scholarly-peer reviewed publications in all of your submitted papers. If you are uncertain what a peer reviewed (scholarly) source is, go tohttp://www(dot)csuchico(dot)edu/lins/handouts/scholarly.pdf Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as “Answers.com” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers”. None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any registered user which makes it unreliable. It could very well be that those who modify subjects in Wikipedia have a very good knowledge of the subject, however, since we have no way of knowing their credentials or intentions, we cannot guarantee that the source is reliable. It is a good place to start, but should not be used as factual in graduate writing. For graduate study, be sure to stick to peer reviewed journals and scientific sources. The following site will help: http://www(dot)csuchico(dot)edu/lins/handouts/scholarly.html Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper. Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut & paste the questions posed and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an academic paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Neurological complication poses a great concern in all ages of human being, affecting social life economic and developmental aspect of life. The most common is epilepsy. Hence, this paper evaluates and discusses the pathophysiology of epilepsy. It also outlines the changes in the normal or rather physiologic mechanisms in the nervous system alongside other systems (Shorvon, 2009)
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder affecting transmission of impulses. By understanding the pathology of epilepsy, it is necessary to appreciate how the brain works. Human brain has two hemispheres, right and the left, each controlling the opposite side of the body. It produces electrical currents that pass through neurons to the organ intended for a defined function. For example extending the middle finger (G, 2009). These electrical currents also defined as impulses moves through use of transmitter like adrenaline, acetycholine at a junction called the neuromuscular junction. From the brain, comes a neuron called the afferent or primary neuron where it meets the efferent neuron (secondary neuron) at a section referred as the neuro muscular junction. Information from the afferent neuron coming from the brain reaches the junction as an electctical current. In the junction, there is release of chemical transmitters which changes the information to a chemical impulse. It this chemical impulse that pass the information to the secondary neuron that now goes to the end organ referred as effectors organ. These processes happen to at most all organs in the body (Schwartzkroin, 2008).
Epilepsy pathology is a condition where there is excess firing of impulses, causing the effectors organ to have increased activity. These movements are referred as seizures. They are rhythmic moment like jerking on the hand or the whole body. As earlier mentioned, brain hemispheres (right and the left cerebral cortex) controlles opposite side of the body. If a seizure is seen from the right side of the body, its origin is the left side of the body and visevarsa is true. (Schwartzkroin, 2008)
Behavioral changes
Among other functions, the brain conducts a series of integrate...
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