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EP1-SOCI-3336 Assignment: Societal and Personal Problems

Essay Instructions:

Please read the 8 chapters I have studied (in attachments) and Using current information from news articles write, double-spaced, APA style paper on subjects covered in Chapters 1-8 of the text (same attachment as above). You may include personal experience/knowledge but be sure to cite any articles you use, again using APA style. You can use one source per chapter.

Chapter 1: Understanding social Problems

Personal Versus Social Problems

  • Causes, consequences, and coping are all key components for dealing with problems, whether those problems are personal or social.  At either level they seek to address the fundamental questions of why and how we should respond.
  • A crucial point is this: We must be alert to the potential confusion of social problems with personal problems in order to deal more effectively with either or both.  This section deals with such confusion through related causes, consequences, and coping efforts, with particular reference to the functions of attitudes, communication, and power structure.

A Model for Understanding

1  The authors define a social problem as a condition or pattern of behavior that (1) contradicts some other condition or pattern of behavior and is defined as incompatible with the desired quality of life; (2) is caused, facilitated, or prolonged by factors that operate at multiple levels of social life; (3) involves intergroup conflict; and (4) requires social actions to be resolved.

2   They use the major insights of structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism to construct a model of mutual influence between structural, social psychological, and social interactional factors. 

3  These factors are used to explain how problems affect the quality of life, how problems are manifested at multiple levels of social life, and why problems require social action for their resolution.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Societal and Personal Problems
Societal and Personal Problems
Chapter 1. Understanding Social and Personal Problems
Societies have problems that affect their people. Experts define them as patterns of life that are opposite to practices and expectations of the existing population. These troubles are not easy to classify as personal or social without understanding (Marc, 2013). If people will have such understanding they will have ideas of solving them. This paper explains different problems in society, whether social or personal, their causes and the ways of dealing with them.
Major reason why social problems would require the participation of the public is because the results stir social conflicts. The structures of conflict theory and interactions assist to construct a model of influence andillustrate how social problems affect the quality of life. In doing so, the society should learn to recognize the fallacies of thinking, without which people will appear as mythmakers(Marc, 2013). These fallacies include dramatic instance, retrospective determinism, misplaced concreteness, personal attack, appeal to prejudice, circular reasoning, authority, composition, and non-sequitur.
To grasp the facts from myths, accurate gauging ofconcluded research bysocial scientists will be of help.The research should answer the questions asked and coming up with consistent results each time they are tried.
Chapter 2: Alcohol and Other Drugs
Alcohol, like other drugs, has different patterns of use in the society; responsible uses, abuse and addiction. It results in both health complications and social problem. 62% of Americans drink, 23% abuse the use and 30% admit to alcohol being a major source of trouble in their families (Alonso & Madrazo, 2014). Consequences are poor standards of life, low life expectancy,coronary and heart diseases. Worse still, the brain experiences premature aging as body parts like liver get damaged. Apart from health, other consequences aremotor accidentscaused by drunk driving.Alonso & Madrazo, (2014) adds that the psychological and interpersonal problems are like stress and trauma in the family and the economic stretch the family finances are subjected to.
People are influenced into drinking because of the social structural and psychological conditions. An example is an adolescent who is influenced by the peers. Some originate from families like drinking parents, disturbances and sense of powerlessness. As Marc (2013) suggests, alcoholism can be ended if it is treated as a societal issue, bringing in strict laws to help regulate the rate of intake. Both individual and group therapy for the drinkers will be of help.
There are other drugs like cannabinoids, hallucinogens amongst others. The worry today is the increased use of a wide variety of such drugs. They abuse the well-being and psychological fitness of the people and heavy economic effect. Finally, the problems should be handled in twofold. Reducing the demand for drugs and then the supply will decrease (Alonso & Madrazo, 2014). Researchers agree that in as much as there should be an individual solution, examination of leakages by communal contributions should help seal leakages sealed. Programs by the government like strict laws can contribute to reducing the supply of drugs in the country. These should be taken seriously to help the drug problems in the country.
Chapter 3: Crime and Delinquency
Bothe the young and old members of the society have been involved in crime which is broader from predatory, public disorder, negligence, computer crimes, white collar crime and juvenile crime. Edwin Sutherland adds that white collar crime is that committed by people when in the line of duty.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Justice System classify the extent of a crime under the Uniform crime reports. They add that the magnitude of offense is evaluated by the extent of damage to victims and criminals. The rates have been declining but there are testimonies that at least a family member has experienced crime in their life. In dealing with crime, the justice process as the best procedure despite its long and complex process (Williams, 2011). Its advantage is the transparency; it is short of discrimination and favoritism. Crime can endanger people’s lives, wellbeing, property, psychological fitness, economic burdens and health glitches. Joseph and Edwards (2011) estimate that Billions of dollars are wasted in solving these problems yearly. It would be better if a country had strong policies and punishments to curb crime. Capital punishments and rehabilitation programs have proved to work well.
Chapter 4: Violence
Violence is the unrest and clashes between individuals or group of people sharing a common belief in race, political groups among others. The individuals in a clash can be acquaintances or strangers. It happens everywhere; homes, workplaces and other gatherings (Carter, 2014). Domestic terrorism is a rising form of violence in the world like the bombing of Oklahoma City. Violence will detract from the quality of life through destructions, injury, trauma, economic harm and self-destruction.
Factors contributing to violence include norms, political processes and government policy on gun controls, inequality and roles of mass media. The attitude that people develop towards this has links to their aspirations and future expectations (Carter 2014). These can be dealt with if the norms that surround the community are changed, controlling of gun ownership, reduction of social inequality and reduced presentation of violence.
Rape is a form of violence, which is the forced demand for sexual favors. The FBI Crime Index lists it as one of the eight felonies. In 2005, they showed that 94000 cases were reported with more victimized. The effects are physical, emotional and diseases. Physically, rapists may use weapons, beat or choke a victim to subdue them (Estelle, 2013). Contributing factors to rape include sex roles, negative family experiences, myths about rape, and mass media among others. Estelle (2013) concludes that to deal with these problems, it is wise to def...
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