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Carbon trading

Essay Instructions:
please see file attached please see the second file only first talk about carbon trading generally in europe and then answer the question about my country germany i need to answer all the questions it s an exam ! thanx
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Carbon trading
Background information
Man is alleged to be capable of doing anything for survival as well to become prominent and this why many countries has involved themselves in different types of trades which may have something to return and develop their countries and here come the carbon trading which help in fighting (GHG) greenhouse gas. In its definition, carbon trading is believed to be a scheme where countries buy and sell carbon permits as parts of a certain programme in order to reduce emissions. In this case, films are given certain quotes to pollute a certain amount.
If by chance they happen to pollute it and need more than their allowance then they are supposed to buy more permits. On the other hand, if they use less than their initial quote then they can as well sell their spare permits on the market and there the market of carbon is established. This paper seek to describe what is meant by carbon trading, provide its historical development on the global level, describe its economic social-political among other aspects of carbon trading.
History on the carbon market
In has been noted that global warming and climate has taken a new phrase which has been proven by meteorologists when they begun to notice changes in weather trends since early 1930s. The first thing which made them easier to determine the weather trends change is the winter. In this case, they realized that they were preliminary later in the year and they where becoming warmer compared to other season (Swingland, 2003).
Eventual, this result were no ones concern as man believed that it was just normal with the nature without noticing that it had issues to do with human activities. It was till when Stewart conducted a research and explained that the background of the increased temperature could be traced back to the increased burning of fossil fuel for industry and developments. He explained that as fuel combusted, they emit carbon dioxide that prevents heat from the sum escaping out of the earth atmosphere (Anderson, 1995).
Though Stewart had tried his best to explain the cause of this epidemic gas, his ideas were not significant during this time until decades later during 1970s. During this period, several researchers had emerged and where they had collected information's on both global temperature changes and the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In their research, they explained that the scourge of global warming not only real but swiftly accelerating than how people believed (Carroll, 2006).
Regarding the economy in the carbon market, the government determines and if great care is not implemented, the economy could go to free fall once the government botches the introduction of its emissions trading scheme. In this case, the government is required to advance carefully wit scheme in order to avoid sending the economy into free fall. On the other hand, there also other effects that affects carbon trading such as the political issues.
As mentioned earlier, carbon trading deals with many countries worldwide where politics are also conscientious by corrupt people. In this case, when other fails to use their permits, politics may be used to sell them to prominent politicians and here the act of corruption also emerge. In other cases, they discriminate people in decision making asking how various forest users are included in decision making process concerning research also the development of environmental services that are provided by the forest and here we see the political effects of carbon trading.
Though not every country affords the carbon market, there are other countries which have seen what it is causing to the universe and therefore try to come up with implementation. For instance, the Kyoto protocol came up with reviewing to people the effects of global warming and they gave support to the environmental efforts who addressed the erratic problem and therefore they were in the first place of implementing the carbon market (Swisher,1997). Australia is another country that has played a role in the fight of the carbon market others include European Union, New Zealand, Tokyo Japan as well as the United States has played major roles in implementation of the carbon market as well they are the major players in the field of implementing.
The reason to why their patterns seems different is that they are not like other countries as they know the disadvantages of the carbon market and the cause of global warming to the universe and therefore they have organizations that deal with the implementation of the epidemic market. Each of these countries which were against carbon market played a role to help in the emission of the six greenhouses gases which are the main challenge in global warming. In this case Kyoto protocol is one of the countries which played this role and other countries come up with organizations which helped them in the fight against carbon market due to the effects they had experienced and the future as the fear global warming which may cause extinction of everything if perfect measures are not implemented (Meckling, 2011).
B) Potential environmental impact from carbon trading
Carbon market has contributed to environmental change where there has been raise in the number of obese people making it be over 15% of the world population. Though obese can be contributed by a role played by genetics, it is believed that the superstar is undoubtedly the environment. The environment in which someone lives determines the healthy of a person and this are contributed by the use of fossil fuels energy, as well as the climate change.
There should be norms on fossil fuel energy and carbon emission usage as they should be used within a viable time span. Reduce the use of motor vehicles by limiting short distances will be of great support to public as there would be the reduction of burning fossil fuel hence have a nice environment man. It is due to carbon market that diseases like Cancer, diabetes has emerged since the environment which man w...
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