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Endocrine Disorders: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Essay Instructions:

Scenario 2: Type 1 Diabetes

A 14-year-old girl is brought to the pediatrician’s office by his parents who are concerned about their daughter’s weight loss despite eating more, frequent urination, unquenchable thirst, and fatigue that is interfering with her school activities. She had been seemingly healthy until about 4 months ago when her parents started noticing these symptoms. She admits to sleeping more and gets tired very easily.

PMH: noncontributory.


FH:- maternal uncle with “some kind of sugar diabetes problem” but parents unclear on the exact disease process

SH: denies alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug use. Not sexually active.

Labs: random glucose 244 mg/dl.

DIAGNOSIS: Diabetes Mellitus type 1 and refers to an endocrinologist for further work up and management plan.


1. Explain the genetics relationship and how this and the environment can contribute to Type I DM.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Endocrine Disorders- Scenario 2: Type 1 Diabetes
NURS 6501
Due Date
Endocrine Disorders
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes) is characterized by the destruction of the pancreas beta cells, which causes insulin deficiency. In patients with diabetes mellitus, there is an increase in the blood glucose levels and type I diabetes is insulin-dependent as there is destruction or loss of the pancreatic cells. Glucose is an important source of energy, and blood glucose (glycemic) levels must be maintained to allow tissue metabolism. Insulin is used to treat high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia). Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss, are present in people with diabetes and are typical symptoms (Shanak, Saad, & Zaid, 2019).
Polyuria is excessive and frequent urination where glucose in the urine exerts osmotic pressure in the filtrate, and there is a large volume of urine to be excreted (VanMeter & Hubert, 2018). Consequently, fluid and electrolytes are lost, such as sodium and potassium. The kidneys begin to dump glucose in urine when glucose is greater than 180 mg/dl, and this requires kidneys to use a lot of water and increase urine production. 
Polydipsia is frequent drinking because of dehydration, and excessive t...
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