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Employees' Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 4: Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act

Suppose you have been tasked with purchasing health insurance for your organization that has fifty full-time employees.
Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research different types of health insurance.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:
Suggest one (1) plan that you would use to purchase health insurance for your organization. Determine the extent to which employee lifestyle choices and health economics would factor in to your chosen plan. Provide a rationale for your response.
Analyze the implication of the Affordable Care Act on your decision to purchase insurance. Debate two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of purchasing health insurance for your employees, as opposed to having your employees receive governmental insurance.
Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Employees Health Insurance
[Name of the Student]
[Name of the Institute]
Employees Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act
Health Insurance of an organization with fifty full-time employees
The current era is increasingly becoming health conscious while providing access to quality healthcare which has effectively become one of the main human rights. The responsibility to improve access to health care goes beyond family concerns to employers' concerns. It is an organization’s responsibility to take care of its employee’s health while providing them with the facility of health insurance. Health insurance has played an essential role in improving access and affordability to quality healthcare (Avraham et al., 2012). However, it has been observed that many various factors control the purchasing of health insurance for employees. Assuming that I have been tasked with purchasing health insurance for my organization that has fifty full-time employees, this retrospect examines various important details that would be imperative in making the purchase decisions.
As per the requirements of the organization, the use of silver health insurance plan would be more appropriate and reliable. This plan is particularly designed for the employees of the organization and according to their profiles. In this plan, the employee would be required to pay only thirty percent of the total health care costs while the health insurance plan would cater for the remaining seventy percent. In choosing a reliable health plan, considering the lifestyle and health economics of the employees is equal. The majority workers of the organization belong to middle-class families, so it has been perceived that these employees live normal lifestyles and engage in lifestyle behaviors that are comparatively less risky to their health. For example, only four workers smoke and nine consume alcohol.
Additionally, the home environment of the employees is safe regarding living and less harmful to health.
Furthermore, in consideration to the health economics, only four out of the fifty employees are actively involved in preventive healthcare. Out of fifty, only one of the employee is often sick, but he is not particularly suffering from a critical condition. As such, mos...
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