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Employees are the Most Valuable Asset that an Organization Has

Essay Instructions:

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation, then record your narrated presentation using a screen recording tool such as Loom, Vimeo, or Screencast-O-Matic. Once recorded, place the link to your recorded presentation on the cover slide of your PowerPoint. Submit your PowerPoint presentation with your embedded link.

Your presentation should include the following:

Develop a synopsis of your outcomes for acquiring, developing, training, and leveraging on human capital within your organization. Examine the pros and cons to the current systems or processes being used.

Based on the immediate hiring and training needs within the company, how can the company focus on the employees’ current strengths (knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences) to leverage diversity to improve performance outcomes?

Propose plans for developing and integrating the positions of HR specialist or generalist, HR leadership, HR consultant, or HR of One within the organization.

What recommendations would you make to the leadership of your company relative to making sound decisions when acquiring, developing, and leveraging resources (i.e., human talent, technology, knowledge management) to meet organizational needs while staying legally compliant with employment practices?

Based on the knowledge gained in this course, how will you apply what has been learned into your organization? As a human resource professional, describe the elements of your personal development plan within the field of HR.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Employees are the Most Valuable Asset that an Organization Has
Employees are the most valuable asset that an organization has. Staff members are responsible for actualizing an organization’s goals and objectives. Without workers, an organization is unable to achieve anything significant. While the management determines the goals and objectives, the workers are responsible for implementing them. The management leverages on employees since without them an organization cannot run. Since human capital is critical, Human Resource (HR) managers endeavor to have the best employees for their organizations.
Synopsis of Outcomes
The acquisition of employees must first align with the goals and objectives of the business. The recruitment process must ensure that the recruits demonstrate the required skills and qualifications for the required tasks. The recruitment must be rigorous to ensure that the organization gets the best candidates. Next, the recruits must be developed through thorough training. Offering training will allow the organization to pinpoint the knowledge and skills it wants the workers to possess. Training programs will educate the workers about new skills to enhance productivity. Leveraging on human capital entails treating HR as a company’s asset (Afiouni, 2009). Leveraging human capital will provide the organization with a competitive edge in the marketplace. One advantage of this approach is motivating workers. Well-trained employees have the confidence to perform their duties which motivates them. Secondly, the approach facilitates the smooth transition of recruits and minimizes the waste of human capital. However, the approach is costly for an organization and can reduce profitability. Additionally, the process can be tiresome and discourage some workers, who may opt to leave the job.
Capitalizing on Employees’ Strengths
The organization can capitalize on employees’ strengths by aligning projects with the best fits. When assigning projects, the company should consider the skills and knowledge of the workers and allocate them the tasks that nest matches their areas of expertise. Individuals work better if the work aligns with their skills and knowledge. Projects should outline the job requirements needed. Based on these requirements, the organization can see the job descriptions that best match the tasks required. The HR manager should then check the qualification of the employees and determine the workers who are best suited for the assignments. However, the HR manager should appreciate that it can be challenging to identify best-fit projects if he/she does not know each worker’s unique skill set. While employees may be specializing in a common area, some may possess particular unique skill sets that make them more suitable for some projects. The HR manager should undertake assessments and surveys to determine how each individual performs best and whether they succeed (Anwaar, Nadeem & Hassan, 2016). Workers will be more motivated and engaged when they do what falls right into their area of interest. Such employees will keep the performance high, which will translate into a higher output for the organization.
Additionally, the organization can organize refresher courses and training sessions for the workers. Refresher courses are instrumental in helping employees improve their knowledge and skills and learn about new trends related to what they do (Nda & Fard, 2013). Through training programs, the organization can assist employees to match the various changes in the industry. Today’s businesses operate in a competitive environment because of globalization. Technological changes are forcing businesses to adopt better ways of operations. Hence, the rapid changes are forcing businesses to come up with new ways of doing things. Through training programs, employees can be better equipped to handle new tasks. Such workers can better deal with challenges they encounter in their new assignments.
Further, bringing together employees with different skills, knowledge, abilities, and experiences will be instrumental in enhancing the diversity of the team. Each employee will work to give the best to the team. Such a diverse team will ensure that HR capitalizes on the contributions of the individual workers. A focus on the strengths of the individual workers will ensure the organization gets the best from all the staff members. The performance of the company will increase significantly. This is because all the employees will give the best in their area of specialization. The cooperation among the workers will reflect the increased outpu...
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