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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Emotions and Behavior– Relationship Development

Essay Instructions:

Case Studies – Course Design 1

Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 2.

In this module, our focus was on human development from birth through adolescence.

For this assignment, you will design a course to meet the health and wellness needs of the age group represented by the child or adolescent you interviewed in Module 1. In the next module, you will repeat the assignment for an adult audience. Your topic for each course should be based on the data you collected in the interviews.

Create the course in a format of your choice for your response.

Use APA format for citations and references.

Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1. Identify the health and wellness topic and the title of the course.

Step 2. Use the data from the interview you conducted in Module 1 to help you develop the health and wellness course.

Step 3. Identify a learning environment appropriate for the age group.

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Step 4. Design the course using the steps of “The Learning Cycle,” which consists of 7Es. As your design the course, identify where you will integrate technology.

Elicit: Select or design an activity to determine learners’ prior knowledge of the topic.

Engage: Select or design an activity to capture the learners’ attention, help them make connections, and give them a preview of what they are going to study.

Explore: Select or design an activity placing learners at the center of the action and calling on them to seek information or collect data on the topic.

Explain: This is a two-part stage, the first for learners and the second for the facilitator. (1) Select or design an opportunity for learners to report what they learned in the Explore stage. (2) Select new vocabulary and a way to present it; write questions to assess learners’ understanding of the concepts.

Elaborate (or Expand): Select or design a way to provide new information adding to the study, and identify a problem or issue for learners to solve or discuss by applying what they learned.

Evaluate: Select or design a way for learners to self-assess what they have learned and a way for you to evaluate their learning.

Extend: Select or design a strategy to help learners connect the newly acquired knowledge and skills to new situations related to the topic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emotions and Behavior– Relationship Development
Emotions and Behavior– Relationship Development
Growing into an adult and later becoming a senior member of society is an all-encompassing process. One has to go through different learning stages that, in a nutshell, revolve around the cognitive, emotional, and thinking aspects of an individual. Appropriate nurturing of a child is attributable to a responsible individual in subsequent stages of human development. In this light, it is important to educate an individual right from the childhood stage appropriately. In particular, coming up with appropriate health and wellness course is pivotal in understanding a child and at the same time nurturing them to become responsible adults in their later life. This paper focuses on emotions and behavior, emphasizing the relationship and development of children who fall between the ages of one and 12 years. This group is critical as they get to be versed with the world around them uniquely, and therefore, weaving both the cultural element and using tools that spell their moods and thinking is ideal.
Before going ahead with the proposed course, it will be prudent to assess the child’s environment. This move ensures that the child being taught is secure and is bound to relay positive results required by the course objective (Brown, & Lee, 2012). The interview questions’ background revealed that Sam was aged one year and had some complications concerning hearing. Besides, he is an African-American. This information, in turn, requires the environment to be friendly by considering the crucial information pointed. First, it will be important if the child will be given a hearing aid gadget to grasp the case’s content. Further, since Sam is an African-American, weaving in a cultural setting that aligns with his culture will be ideal. For instance, it is important to use African-American toys grounded and using examples from the African-American cultures. Incorporating cultural attributes in the course is linked to understanding and connecting more easily with the content being relayed. In turn, it is beneficial because it makes a parent of a guardian understand the child’s need better.
Changes in a child’s psychical and cognitive development are evident from how a child relates with his family and friends and the entire world around them. The previous interview question presented Sam to be hyperactive and easily relate to the environment around ...
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