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Effectiveness of Social Support and Counselling Interventions in Alleviating Postpartum Depression

Essay Instructions:

The assignment is in two parts. CW1 is 3000 worded essay and a1000 worded essay for cw2.


Select and retrieve two peer reviewed primary research articles related to an area of patient care within the last five years and link your findings to one corresponding current NICE guidance document. The essay should be a 3000 worded essay consisting of Introduction and background (500 words), Question Formulation and Search process (500 words), Critical Appraisal of Evidence (800 words), Presentation of the key themes - A brief summary of the key themes from the two papers should conclude the Discussion section (800 words), and Conclusion (400 words approx.) References should be APA.

Search strategy should explain how you arrived at your questions including the use of SPICE, PICO or alternative to formulate the question. Discuss which databases and other sources you used to find evidence, including the keywords or search terms, and how you selected them. Discuss how you refined your search and the parameters you used, for example, inclusion and exclusion criteria such as dates or other criteria with justification for all your decisions. Please include a copy of your searches in an appendix (this does not count in the word limit, but you can refer to it.)

CW 2

Drawing on the report that you have written in the essay, produce a summary of your review that would be meaningful and informative for the lay/non-expert public.

Discuss the themes from the two primary research papers and how they relate to the chosen NICE guidance used in CW1 for people for whom this area is important.

Summarise the key messages from your writing for this group of people.

Your summary should be divided into headings that relate to your work in CW1. They do not have to be in the same order but need to present a logical picture for the reader.

Include diagrams, clip arts or pictures (content from these would not be included in the word count), though any taken from internet sources must be referenced appropriately and licensed for general use. Use the first person when you are writing to make it more accessible. Use short sentences and write in plain English avoiding jargon. In some sections you may choose to use bullet points.

Essay structure should include,

Section 1 (200 words) - Give some background to the review and why you wanted to undertake it, the importance of this area and relevance to this lay/non- expert group of people.

Section 2 (150 words) Explain how you developed the question and undertook the search strategy.

Section 3 (200 words) Explain the findings of the two papers.

Section 4 (300 words) - Discuss the themes from the two primary research papers and how they relate to the chosen NICE guidance used in CW1 for people for whom this area is important.

Section 5 (150 words) - Summarise the key messages from your writing for this group of people.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Layman Review: Application of Evidence Based Research


Comparing the Effectiveness of Social Support and Counselling Interventions in Alleviating Postpartum Depression

Student Number

Allowed word count


Actual word count


Background Review and Importance of the Search

Ensuring that postpartum depression is addressed in modern society is an important aspect in ensuring that mental health improvement is achieved. There are various interventions to postpartum depression, but the PICO question helps in assessing social support against counselling in addressing the mental health issue. Embracing insights from research articles not only creates a learning opportunity on social support and counselling but enhances an evidence based understanding on postpartum depression interventions. Sensitivity of postpartum depression is illustrated in figure 1. Conducting a PICO question and QS115 NICE guideline basis in the study for social support against counselling in addressing postpartum depression helps in acquiring relevant information on which intervention approach would work the best in the modern society. Illustratively, every individual in the society needs to take an active role in embracing the various researches documented in peer-reviewed articles to ensure that an elaborate understanding on intervening on postpartum depression is enhanced (Jyotsna et al., 2023). The address of postpartum depression intervention approaches is due to the fact that the society has increased cases of postpartum depression, calling for the need to engage in extensive research on the best intervention approach.

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Postpartum Depression as a Sensitive Mental Health Issue

The search process for the articles with studies comparing social support and counselling intervention approaches is important since it helps in ensuring that valid studies are selected through the detailed process illustrated in figure 2. Validity in the information acquired in postpartum depression intervention helps in upholding the need for effective intervention in the mental health issue (Moon, 2019). In addition, the search process is important in ensuring that NICE guidelines are adhered to. Illustratively, the need to ensure that metaanalysis and systematic reviews are conducted in the articles selected helps in enhancing an effective information 

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