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What Factors Influence Effective Listening?

Essay Instructions:

Based on your textbook readings and the video 5 Ways to Listen Better , in 300-350 words, answer the following questions:

What factors influence effective listening? How?

What are strategies to overcome barriers to effective listening?

How can effective listening impact team effectiveness and quality of care delivered?

Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effective Listening
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Effective Listening
What factors influence effective listening? How?
Several factors influence effective listening. They include noise, distractions, intrusion, personal bias, expectations, and culture/values.
These factors influence what we listen to, who we choose to listen to, and when we listen to something or someone. For example, a person’s expectations can make it impossible to listen to someone’s speech. If one’s expectations were high, but the delivery is poor, it is likely that one’s listening will be interrupted because their expectations are not met. It is also impossible to listen and respond as expected if someone is biased towards the listener or the topic being communicated. Kapur (2018) notes that “when communicating, it is important to understand various perceptions of a situation or an issue or a problem.” One can never be an effective listener if they do not understand the various perceptions of an issue.
What are strategies to overcome barriers to effective listening?
There are several strategies which can be employed to help overcome the barriers to effective listening. These include silence, dropping preconceived opinions or feelings, avoiding distractions, and employing self-control. Julian Treasure (2011) notes that silence is important and helps to “reset your ears and to recalibrate so that you can hea...
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