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Effect of Eating Habits in One's Nutrition

Essay Instructions:

EZ_03_10_17_Topic_7 Essay on Nutrition Plan


● Volume of the text: 1000-1200 words

● Text uniqueness: 95%+ (according to Turnitin)

● Use three to five sources for writing

● Mark each thematic chapter with subheadings

● Proofread what you write

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nutrition Plan
Nutrition Plan
Proper nutrition is the greatest thing in one’s health condition. For one to live a healthy life, it is important to value proper nutrition. People across nations deal with food every time and it has become part of life since civilization. Since eruption of various diseases caused by malnutrition, people have valued the need of balanced diet as well as taking food that impact positively on their health. What we consume automatically becomes our diet, and this diet plays a fundamental role in determining our healthiness and how the body system will react to its functionality. The issue is not about how people are educated concerning nutrition but how people implement their knowledge in their life. One can eat anything edible depending on situation. Some prefer fast foods in hotels or restaurants in which probably might not be healthier but only reduce starvation. Improper diet has led to various diseases across the globe for instance obesity. As a result of malnutrition people need to have a good nutrition plan that will assist in the functionality of their body. As I was a child I used to differentiate only what is good for consumption and what is bad. I used to eat the sweet and nice things knowing that they are edible to any human being. The same knowledge applies to anyone who just differentiates between what is good or bad for consumption. For instance fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables are some common items people thing they are good to our health. However, it is not enough to have the knowledge of edible foods but one need to understand the importance and functionality of each food nutrients. Without the knowledge of proper nutrition plan any one can be diagnose of obesity or diabetes or any other diseases associated with malnutrition. This essay seeks to explain the effect of eating habits in one’s nutrition, how it changes one’s health as well as a plan to take a balanced diet in order to avoid malnutrition.
Eating habits
Lifestyle and Work
People employ different eating habits depending on lifestyle, work, background childhood and the common knowledge one has. depending on work, one takes fast food during lunch times for instance one concludes that instead of wasting time going for lunch, I should just take some snacks at home and carry so that I will eat at the time am starving. This idea has impacted negatively on people’s life. Snacks and junk food are not good for one’s health. One can opt not to go for lunch because they see it as a waste of time. Not knowing that a good meal at lunch should contain all the necessary vitamins as well as nutrients required by the body to function well. This habit of preferring fast foods to coked food has led to eruption of obesity. Fast foods affect adults and youths plus children (Anyanya, 2017). The working condition and the activity one carries out in the day have played a role in influencing the eating habit of people.
Background and Illiteracy
Some people when they were young they used to eat anything that is sweet. Many have believed that eating greens, fruits and vegetables is good for one’s health. Yes it is true but in an extend it is not enough to give all the required nutrien...
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