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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:

Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

This assignment requires you to interview a family(my sister ,husband, and 2kids), you can just come up with any info, and then illustrate their interfamilial relationships as well as their external support systems and stressors by creating a genogram and ecomap.

You will then analyze the ecomap and genogram. APA 7th edition format. Please include intro and conclusion.

• Demonstrate your ability to interview a family and analyze their relationships, support systems, and stressors.

• Describe both positive and negative relationships between family members.

• Identify nursing interventions and strategies that promote positive relationships and reduce family stressors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ecomap and Genogram Relationship
First Name Last Name
Department, Name of University
Course Code XXXX:Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Health careKey: Direction of energy flowStrong relationship ------------- tenuous+++++++ stressfulArrows to signify major flows of energy or resources:ChurchWorkEco Map
FriendsFamily Child Child HusbandSister
Ecomap and Genogram Relationship
In the ecomap and genogram, there is focus on biological relationships and other relationships in the ecomap, and they are represented by lines connected to symbols to show the connection between. They both focus on my sister, husband, and 2 kids. .However, the ecomap focuses more on the relationship between the family and social network (ecological environment). Besides the family composition and characteristics of the children, they vindicate important family settings and the patterns of family relationships. There is a focus on interfamilial relationships, including the external support systems and stressors, nursing interventions to reduce family stressors and enhance positive relationships.
After meeting with the family, I focused on the family set up and focused on understanding how they do things, and the family subsystems influence the family dynamic. The family is an intrinsically active system where there are changes that occur within the family. There are interactions and family rules necessary to maintain continuity of the family and, also allow the growth of its members. Having children was a transition period as they both took on more responsibilities for the two dependent children family members, the church and friends are essential support systems. There are others, such as neighbors and work colleagues for the parents. Wright & Leahey (2012) point out that there is a strong sense of belonging and strong emotional ties in a family my sister has strong relations with her husband, friends and work colleagues. Her friends also visit with their children and vice versa. While the husband also has strong ties to his friends, interactions are mostly through adults. Positive relationships between family members occur when there is effective conflict management to control negative emotions mostly anger and never-ending complaints. There is of respect of family members where there is no aggressive behavior and exclusion from family decisions. There are cordial relat...
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