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Drug Shortages and Patient Outcomes Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Read the following articles:
Mayer, D. K. (2012). Anatomy of a drug shortage. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(2), 107-108.
McKeever, A. E., Bloch, J. R., & Bratic, A. (2013). Drug shortages and the burden of access to care: A critical issue affecting patients with cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(5), 490-495. doi:10.1188/13.CJON.490-495
View the following website:
Food and Drug Administration website: www(dot)fda(dot)gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/DrugShortages/default.htm
In the middle of a patient’s course of chemotherapy, the medication is no longer available due to manufacturing issues. The chemotherapy was prescribed for this patient using scientific evidence and patient outcomes.
Initial Discussion Post:
How does the shortage of chemotherapy drugs impact health care? 
Are work arounds such as substitute medications a safe alternative? Why or why not?
Identify an intervention that you can implement as the RN to advocate for safe patient care and positive patient outcomes when drug shortages occur.
Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Drug Shortages and Patient Outcomes
Drug Shortages and Patient Outcomes
How does the shortage of chemotherapy drugs impact health care?
According to McKeever, Bloch, and Bratic (2013), shortage of drugs affects the entire healthcare sector and in the past decade, the issue has worsened. Just like in business and the phenomenon of supply and demand, a drug shortage occurs when the patients’ demand for drugs supersedes supply. According to Mayer (2012), drug shortage occurs because of issues such as shortage of raw materials, issues in the manufacturing process as well as unanticipated demand increases.
First of all, chemotherapy drugs shortage forces the medical practitioners to change the clinical care being accorded to a patient (McKeever et al., 2013). The implication of the above statement is that doctors will either start making educated guesses or offer meaningful recommendations. McKeever and his colleagues also mention the “increased unanticipated side effects or toxicities, medication errors, and healthcare costs for patients and providers.” The above implications are also echoed by Hoffman (2013) who also adds that the risk for patients increases significantly as a result of drug shortages.
Are work arounds such as substitute medications a safe alternative? Why or why not?
Firstly, substitute medications are an interruption to the planned or the regular care for patients. Interruption...
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