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Dreams You Hold For Yourself, Your Aspirations, And Your Hopes

Essay Instructions:

Think about the dreams you hold for yourself, your aspirations, and your hopes. What self are you creating here on Washington Square?

A 1-2 pages letter, essay, and/or creative expression of aspiration, signed and placed in a sealed envelope addressed to yourself. Submit to your New Student Seminar Instructor by the due date. Only you will know what is contained therein. At the end of the semester, we will return the sealed envelope to you to reflect on, see how close you have gotten to your dreams, and review how your dreams have changed since the beginning of the fall semester.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My dreams for the Fall Semester
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My dreams for the Fall Semester
As the semester begins, I have dreams and aspirations that I would want to achieve at the end of the semester. My first goal is to manage my time well. I will have a schedule for each activity so that I would not over-indulge in one activity at the expense of the other activities. Previously, I found out that I did not have an active social life. I did excel in academics since there lay all my energies. However, this time, I would like a balance in my life. Academics, as well as social life, shall be esteemed of equal importance. I will make time for activities such as bodybuilding so that I will maintain a fit and healthy body. Also, I would love to participate in social clubs and organizations. Through them, I aspire to develop my talents and grow in social, emotional and spiritual aspects.
I endeavor to stop procrastinating each activity either small or big. Last semester I kept postponing joining the group study. As much as I believe there is more excellence in personal studies, groups help broaden our scope of learning. Through teamwork, we unravel some of the hardest concepts that we encounter in our field of time. I regret not joining such a group in the past. There are many other opportunities that I gave up just because I was not decided to join immediately. I will make decisions and act on them. I will visit places I desire at the right time. I will connect to people I look up to in society at the right time.
Studies are the chief goal of our existence in college. I endeavor to have all grades between A and A-. Excellence comes with a prize. I will attend all the classes on time and follow up on any after class activity. In order to have a cumulative good grade, I shall keep in check all assignments, quizzes, projects as well as the end of the semester examination. I will team up with serious course mates during the group assignments to ensure that our group work shall be excellent. Assignments always come with a deadline. I will look forward to finishing assignments as soon as they are given out instead of waiting for the deadline set. In line with my academic excellence, I aim to connect with the professors so that there can be a professional academic connection. In case I need help, like recommendations on summer programs, I will know whom to turn to.
Academic excellence requires consistency. I will keep my study times perfect. I shall adhere to the personal timetable for private studies. Once I get the course outline, I shall keep following them. I will research ahead of the professor so that my understanding of the subject shall broaden in all aspects. Throughout the semester, I shall ensure ...
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