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How do Diversity Issues Among Healthcare Workers Impact Patient Care?

Essay Instructions:

this paper is due friday early morning, i leave in va alexandria so you know the time... the first paper the custom essay wrote i received 40%, so this paper is the highlight of my grade. english is my third language so please help me as i have a lot of errors. also pls pls pls refresh as much as you can i am afraid that i have plagiarism it's only 20 % that we are allowed to have so pleas. rephrase them the papers need to be RUA format, i do not need more article the only one i use are the ones i attached. i attached my essay but also the rubric i am supposed t fallo and the 2 articles that i am supposed to do . if you have question please contact me. thank you so much !!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing Published Research
How do diversity issues among healthcare workers impact patient care?
The professor replayed by saying :: "Great information. Now how might you sell this to primary stakeholders? Who do you see these" stakeholders being? Based on this writing that you did for me, the one that says... In determining the evidence base to support the project I looked at the perspectives of health practitioners and experts and how their views influence changes. In the project, I also looked at the characteristics of health practitioners and patients they served highlighted that there were differences, and health practitioners acknowledged the need to provide competent cultural care. The journal articles also focus on values since health practitioners who were responsive to the patient problems reported higher patient satisfaction and better patient outcomes....... it doesn't have to be very long, 3 to 4 paragraphs and if you can one referance that has a web. adress on it. thank you. Problem
For health practitioners to provide adequate care they ought to be culturally competent, and there are underserved populations. Nursing has changed with emphasis on efforts to meet the heal care needs of a diverse population. Diversity affects patient satisfaction, and culturally competent care provides individualized care by incorporating cultural values and beliefs. This is also associated with patient compliance since there is less risk of conflicting belief systems of the patient and the nurse. The increased diversity of the population presents a challenge to health practitioners when they have to prioritize the health needs of all patients. People diverge in different ways, and there has been growing interest on diversity in healthcare as this affects quality of care, patient safety as well as the risk of medical errors. This paper highlights how diversity impacts patient care based on two scholarly articles.
Description of Findings: Summary
Study QuestionVariables Independent (I)
Dependent(D)Study DesignSample size and selectionData Collection MethodsMajor
Findings1Matteliano, MA., & Street, D. (2015). Provider's Perspectives on Cultural Competence in Ethnically Diverse Primary Care Practices. Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention, 1:013. Healthcare providers use culturally competent care to improve care provision in underserved communities(I) Demographic characteristics of providers
(D) Culturally competent care and Health outcomes
Qualitative 26 health providers ( 9 men and 17 women)
Health providers was 29 to 60 plus years
13 providers were White- representing 50%Interviews and observations Language, shared cultural knowledge , advocacy, practicing cultural humility and fostering trust improve cultural competence 2Douglas, M. K., Pierce, J. U., Rosenkoetter, M., Pacquiao, D., Callister, L. C., Hattar-Pollara, M., Lauderdale, J., ... Purnell, L. (January 01, 2011). Standards of practice for culturally competent nursing care: 2011 update. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 22(4), 317-333.Identify universally applicable standards of practice for culturally competent careI-Different Standards of Care
D- Culturally Competent Nursing Care: practicesQualitative There were 78 nurse respondents form 16 different countries Survey Social justice, cross cultural communication, leadership, cultural competence practice, patient advocacy, and addressing health inequalities are effective strategies in providing culturally competent care
Description of Findings: Description
Concepts and methods
Matteliano & Street (2015) reviewed the health providers' perspectives in providing competent health care to identify behaviors and attitudes that improved health outcomes. The more the health practitioners were involved in promoting culturally competent care the more likely they promoted health in diverse communities. In the study, the researchers conducted interviews and observations focusing on three primary care practices in inner cities (Matteliano & Street 2015). The researchers did not disclose personal information to protect the identity of respondents and maintain confidentiality. The selected sites were located in ethnically and racially diverse neighborhoods with low-income residents (Matteliano & Street, 2015).
Among the thirteen physician participants who were interviewed seven of them were minorities, but their representation in healthcare practice was higher than in the inner city neighborhoods. Among the thirteen non physicians health practitioners all the five nurse practitioners (NPs) were White, while three nurses were minorities. The participants' ages ranged from 29 to 60 and above, and mostly had higher income levels compared to their patients.
Instruments reliability and validity
The results of the study were based on the providers' response, and the researchers sought to ensure that the data results were valid. Even though, there was no independent review of the data, the University at Buffalo Internal Review Board reviewed the study, while the researchers observed and recorded their results. The instrument measured the providers' perspectives and this is one construct demonstrating the validity of the instrument. Additionally, the study results validate the theoretical proposition that competent health care improves health outcomes. There was consistency in measuring the providers' perspective on culturally competent care, and this highlights the reliability of the instrument.
The study by Matteliano & Street (2015) validates the need for competent healthcare provision to address the health needs of a diverse population. Even though, the health practitioners' demographics are less diverse, the health workers understood the importance of providing culturally competent care. The case for this is that health practitioners are well placed to meet the healthcare needs of the diverse groups (Matteliano & Street, 2015).
Next step for group
In addressing the culturally competent care between the diversity of healthcare workers and patient outcomes, it is necessary to look at how this influences health disparities. Even as healthcare provision in America improves, there are people left behind, and especially for the low-income and minority groups. Another issue is the best strategies to enhance cultural awareness and knowledge to improve health outcomes in a diverse population.
Article 2
Concepts and methods
Awareness of different viewpoints is necessary to foster cultural competence, while the belief that one culture is superior to others affects the ability of health practitioners to provide competent health care (Douglas et al., 2011). Nurses who can work in cross-cultural situations are better placed to provide care in diverse communities and provide adequate care. Interaction of health care providers, diverse patients and diverse family members make it easier to develop cultural competence. The researchers used a web based survey to determine the effectiveness of implementing the identified standards of practice.
There were 76 nurses who responded on the application and comprehensiveness of the standards of practice for culturally competent nursing care. The main group of respondents was the university professors, and even among the participants the lowest education attainment was a baccalaureate degree. The responses of the study participants informed the researchers on the need for adopting updated standards of practice.
Instruments reliability and validity
The 12 standards adopted were applicable in diverse settings, but the university based health professors were overrepresented in the sample. A larger sample with health workers in health institutions would have been effective in addressing the study's shortcomings. Nonetheless the standards were considered reliable while a review of the standards and their application in cross-cultural care highlighted that the study results were valid.
Purpose and next step for group
Douglas et al (2011) highlighted that nurses...
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