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Disorders of the Veins and Arteries

Essay Instructions:

Identify the pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis. Consider the similarities and differences between these disorders.

Select a patient factor --- (genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior). Think about how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of CVI and DVT. Reflect on how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected. 

construct two mind maps—one for chronic venous insufficiency and one for venous thrombosis. Consider the epidemiology and clinical presentation of both chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis

To complete:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

Compare the pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis. Describe how venous thrombosis is different from arterial thrombosis.

Explain how the patient factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of CVI and DVT. Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected.

Review the “Mind Maps—Dementia, Endocarditis, and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” media in this week’s Learning Resources.

Construct two mind maps—one for chronic venous insufficiency and one for deep venous thrombosis. Include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, as well as the diagnosis and treatment you explained in your paper.

Zimbron, J. (2008). Mind maps—Dementia, endocarditis, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www(dot)medmaps(dot)co(dot)uk/beta/

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. [Image]. Used with permission of MedMaps.

This media provides examples of mind maps for dementia, endocarditis, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

McPhee, S. J., & Hammer, G. D. (2012). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical.

Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2012). Understanding pathophysiology (Laureate custom ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Disorders of the Veins and Arteries
Institutional Affiliation;
The deep venous thrombosis, also known as DVT is a condition in which blood clot thrombus forms in the vein. This ailment limits the flow of blood through the vein, thus forming a clot that results in pains and swellings within the veins in the legs, pelvis, and thigh (Huether, & McCance, 2012). The DVT is primarily common among adults of age 60 and can result in embolism when the blood clot breaks the formation site and travels along the venous system.
On the other hand, the Chronic Venous insufficiency infers to an impaired venous return that causes a lower extreme discomfort, skin changes and edema. The venous insufficiency refers to a situation in which the venous blood escapes from its intergrade path of flow and returns back through the veins into a congested leg (Huether, & McCance, 2012). This paper therefore seeks to determine the pathophysiology similarities and differences of chronic venous insufficiency and the deep venous thrombosis.
Similarities and Differences of Chronic Venous Insufficiency and the Deep Venous Thrombosis
It is essential to determine the fact that the Chronic Venous Insufficiency is a disease of the artery. The arteries in general carry the red oxygenated blood from the heart and through the body, with the veins bringing a blue deoxygenated blood back to the heart after use by the tissues (McPhee, & Hammer, 2012). The heart therefore provides pressure to ensure that the blood is pumped through the arteries effectively.
It is therefore essential to determine the fact that the veins in essence lack the pressure needed to get the blood back to the heart. Essentially, the veins have valves within their walls that ensure blood keeps on the right track. The chronic venous insufficiency is therefore caused in the event that the walls of the veins and valves are weakened, a factor that hinders the return of blood to the heart (McPhee, & Hammer, 2012). This may therefore result in the clotting of the blood in the legs which results in varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis and the spider veins.
The deep venous thrombosis (DVT) infers to a thrombosis formed in the veins that lie beneath the deep fascia of a person’s leg. Thrombosis in this case refers to a mass of materials, cellular in nature that is bound with fibrin strands. The venous thrombi according to sources are mainly composed of erythrocytes and fibrins.The arterial thrombosis or the DVT on the other hand is a disease that affects the arteries due to the blood clots that occur in the leg (The Merck Manual 2012). This varies from the venous thrombosis in the sense that it affects an individual’s arteries which mainly are small veins in the body. It is therefore essential to determine the fact that the arterial thrombosis can result in heart failures and strokes since the blood thickens and causes a jam, a factor that prompts the heart to increase its pressure, thus bursting the body’s veins.
In contrast to this, the chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is an abnormal functioning of the venous system that is primarily caused by the incompetency of the venous valvular without the obstruction of the venous outflow. It is therefore imperative to determine the fact that this syndrome may occur before an evidence of DVT. It is critical to determine that both the chronic venous insufficiency CVI and the deep venous thrombosis DVT are likely to be found within the veins in the legs, pelvis, and thigh with no prevalent symptoms (The Merck Manual 2012).
Patient Factor
It is imperative to acknowledge the fact that the age factor plays a significant role in the rise of CVI among patients. Due to a particular lifestyle lived by the aged people, the pump actions of the...
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