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Discussion: Tuesdays with Morrie

Essay Instructions:



Having read Tuesdays with Morrie now is a great time to reflect on what you have read and learned.

To complete this assignment please do the following things:

Select one of the key ideas Morrie shares with Mitch (one that you found interesting)

Clearly identify this idea for your reader

Then write a paragraph or two supporting reflecting/explaning why you think the idea is important

Your submission will have the following features:

Since you are using material from Tuesdays with Morrie, you need that citation in the body of the assignment and the corresponding reference. Other course related information requires another citation and another reference.

The maximum length of this assignment is 3/4 page, double-spaced. That is the absolute maximum.

Your submission must be in Microsoft Word

Please upload your completed assignment by following the "add work" and submit process in Teams.

If you have questions please contact me.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tuesdays with Morrie
Course code:
Tuesdays with Morrie
Mitch and Morrie are reunited for a few weeks. He does, however, need to travel to England and cover a tournament for the newspaper he works for. In his typical nature, he reads the British tabloids to pass the time. At the moment, he remembers words by Morrie and his inevitable death. To Morrie, Mitch has formed a habit of indulging himself in mindless and meaningless endeavors. Consequently, Mitch intends to use his tie wisely in activities that will enrich him. To do this, Morrie recommends an individual to do away with popular cultural values and instead of personal ones.
According to Morrie, popular culture is a dictator that condemns all of the human community to suffer. In his life, Morrie has managed to leave behind the cultural dictatorship by forming his ideas based on love, acceptance, and open communication CITATION Hat97 \l 1033 (Hatcher & Albom, 1997). This culture is motivated by his need to revolt against the media-driven greed, promotion of violence, and the poisoned society's superficiality. For the past decades, popular culture was treated as a non-harmful entity and source of amusement. To some, the notions passes are amusing; however, the popular culture makes light of individuals' struggles personally. Its influences on society are underplayed, and only recently have children born into popular culture started to show its adverse effects.
Boys and girls take onto popular culture in different ways; however, the outcome is similar. There are numerous representations in various popular culture genres that provide everyone with something to latch on to. These cultures form part of the children's identities before the parents can ...
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