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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Discussion: IOM Recommendations

Essay Instructions:

As a result of its deliberations, the IOM committee formulate four key messages to support efforts to improve the health of the U.S population through the contributions nurses can make to the delivery of care. provide one or more examples of how you or a colleague has practiced one or more of the IOM recommendations to take the lead effectively or be in charge of an issue or patient rather than just" being at the table".

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IOM Recommendations
The institute of medicine made several recommendations that aim at improving the quality of patient-centered care. The institute defines quality health services as the degree at which healthcare services are desirable, and the outcomes are consistent with professional understanding. IOM's key messages are effective workforce planning and policymaking, which requires excellent data collection and information infrastructure (Dobbins, 2016). I have applied the concept in my career, especially in data collection, storage, and disposing of electronic systems information. We also utilized the recommendation on safeguarding patient health information during our recent fieldwork. The results of the fieldwork were crucial in making decisions for evidence-based research yet to be publicized.
Another key message in IOM is that nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training (Spetz, 2018). My favorite colleague, Mitchel and I have been implementing the recommendation by performing our nursing duties with less supervision and by excellently app...
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