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Discussion Board: Mental Health Patients

Essay Instructions:

Make sure you respond to all of the following prompts:

1) Summarize the last two weeks' readings (Wheeler and Corey) in your own words. Compare and contrast the different approaches identified.

2) What approach(es) do you think might be the most helpful in your own practice as a Psych nurse practitioner?

3) Describe your observations of a situation/event in your clinical experience or in your professional work involving a patient that provoked the following (in the patient): In psych unit patient who's depressed or psychosis.

• List the patient's irrational beliefs/ thoughts

• List the feelings the patient seemed to experience

• List the physical symptoms the patient seemed to experience

• Describe the patient action/ behavior after experiencing this event

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Discussion Board
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Discussion Board
Mental health patients can suffer from a wide array of ailments that require effective interventions. Wheeler focuses on supportive and psychodynamic psychotherapy, which was first coined by Sigmund Freud. The therapy is also known as in-depth, expressive, probing, rigorous, and insight-oriented intervention (Wheeler, 2014). Wheeler suggests that the approach ensures that patients are empowered, and they also get the freedom to make conscious decisions while also improving their lives. Another form of theory is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This is an alternative approach that has similarities with the psychodynamic approach (Corey, 2014). Both can apply in the treatment of mental issues such as anxiety. CBT can be applied during the early stage of treatment, and psychodynamic therapy can then be adopted to help the patient in the long term. CT is used to change the client’s behavior while teaching them new skills to change.
A distinguishing factor between CBT and psychodynamic therapy is an emphasis on the past. In psychodynamic therapy, the emphasis is on the past where the focus is on determining patterns in actions, feelings, thoughts, relationships, and experiences. It also explores the intrapsychic issues by inquiring about fantasies, dreams, and wishes. It seeks to determine how early life experiences can impact the patient and daily life (Wheeler, 2014). The psychodynamic school focuses on the importance of conflict in influencing fears, desires, and wishes. It is critical to understand the unconscious psychological patterns and structures in daily life and how they maintain and interact to get insights about the individual and their needs (Corey, 2014). On the other hand, CBT focuses on present-day issues and seeks to help patients find skill-based and practical solutions to their problems. Rather than focusing on the cause of the issue, CBT involves finding a solution to present-day difficulties.
The most helpful approach is CBT. Most patients pre...
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