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Discussion 3: diabetes self-management education (DSME)

Essay Instructions:

Select one qualitative and one quantitative question that you are interested in investigating. Identify the independent and dependent variables. Next, create a hypothesis or set of hypotheses to go along with your research question. Identify your hypothesis as one of each of the four categories below and explain why your hypothesis fits into these categories. (Topics must be related to nursing)

Associative or causal

Simple or complex

Nondirectional vs. directional

Null vs. research


In a high-quality submission, information provided by the writer will be CITED and REFERENCED in APA format. This means that when you answer the question, you need to CITE THE SOURCE (give CREDIT to the source from which you learned the answer) in APA format.

In a high-quality submission, all sources used (CITED and REFERENCED) must be scholarly and peer-reviewed sources. This means that absolutely none of your sources are from Internet sites. You should have NO web addresses listed in your citations or references at all. All citations and references should come from library searches or from your assigned text.


The qualitative question that I am interested in investigating is, how does exercise decrease the risk for heart disease? The independent variable is exercise and the dependent variable is risk for heart disease. The hypothesis: exercise decreases risk for heart disease by decreasing blood pressure and lowering lipid levels. This hypothesis can be considered causal because exercise determines a change in risk for heart disease (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). This is considered complex because it describes the relationship between exercise and lowering blood pressure which then reduces risk for heart disease (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). This is directional and research because it is describing the relationship between heart disease and exercise (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).

The quantitative question that I am interested in investigating is, what is the relationship between the amount of exercise and risk of heart disease? The independent variable is the amount of exercise and the dependent variable is risk for heart disease. The hypothesis: patients who exercise less are at increased risk for heart disease. This hypothesis is considered an associative hypothesis because there is a relationship between exercise and risk for heart disease (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). This is also a simple hypothesis because it is describing the variable between two variables only (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). This is considered a directional hypothesis because it is predicting the relationship between exercise and heart disease (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). This is a research hypothesis because there is a relationship between exercise and heart disease, which are the two variables (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).

Variables can be measured directly or indirectly using questionnaires or scales (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). The independent variable influences the dependent variable (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). The dependent variable is influenced by the independent variable (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

DISCUSSION 3 -Qualitative and Quantitative question
Name Course Instructor Date
Qualitative Question
 How does diabetes self-management education (DSME) help maintain type 2 patients maintain good glycemic control? The independent variable is diabetes self-management education (DSME and the dependent variable is glycemic control. The hypothesis is the knowledge of self-management is essential to maintain glycemic control as part of diabetes care. This hypothesis is causal since DSME is associated with self-care behaviors and diabetes care to improve health outcomes and reduce the risk of diabetes complications. This complex hypothesis since diabetes self-care education focuses on different aspects of diabetes intervention such as self-monitoring the blood glucose levels, self-care behaviors being physically active, and healthy eating. This hypothesis is also in the form of a relationship between diabetes self-management education and improved glycemic control. It is directional where there is a direct relationship between the two variables. 
Quantitative Question
The quantitative question is whether diabetes se...
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