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Discussion 2: Conduncting Literature Review

Essay Instructions:

Nursing Research Class

Answer Question:

Why is it important to conduct a quality literature review? Characterize the four major types of reviews. What are the essential components of a quality literature review?

Guideline for discussion question:

-Here is some important information about what constitutes a high-quality discussion board submission.

-A high-quality submission addresses the actual question that is asked. So, if the question asks, “what is random sampling,” somewhere in the answer there should be a clear answer about what random sampling is.

- In a high-quality submission, all sources used (CITED and REFERENCED) must be scholarly and peer-reviewed sources. This means that absolutely none of your sources are from Internet sites. You should have NO web addresses listed in your citations or references at all. All citations and references should come from library searches or from your assigned text.

-In a high-quality post, citations and references match. You should never have citations that do not lead to references or references with no citations in the body of the text.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion 2
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Discussion 2
In many instances, individuals treat conducting a literature review as a formality in scholarly writing. However, the literature review is an important aspect that must be treated seriously. There are several benefits associated with a thorough literature review. This includes demonstrating an understanding of the critical concepts and the subjecting being researched. As one evaluates previous studies, they also develop critical thinking skills to synthesize information from different sources. It is also a means to justify why the research someone is undertaking is essential. Therefore, a quality literature review is essential during the research process (Proofed, n.d.).
Several types of reviews can be conducted during academic research. The narrative reviews usually provide a summary or synthesis of other literature based on the thesis topic. The literature is usually researched from diverse sources, and only selected materials are used. Scoping reviews usually have no restrictions on the materials used and aim to find all the selected topic materials. However, the useful scoping review also requires a systematic approach to ensure credibil...
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