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Discrimination By The School Of Nursing

Essay Instructions:

After my clinical, I started to feel extremely sick and then I decided to go home. At around 7pm, I was writing the clinical journal and then I realized that I lost the card that I wrote the patient’s lab results. Since I was feeling dizzy and tired, I couldn’t drive my car and thus I called AA to give me a ride to the hospital to collect my patient’s lab results. Since she was working, she told me that she can take me at around 8pm once her shift is over.

Once we reached the school’s parking lot, we found HW and another student. Hw wanted us to show her where the pediatric rehabilitation center was, and the other student was on his way to get his patient’s information. They were concerned me going to the clinical because I was not feeling well and also Since AA and HW were fellow nursing students, I didn’t think it would raise an issue if they accompany me to the OB unit. I know realized that, it was a poor judgement on my part. I went to the OB unit and I explained to the nurse at the front desk who I was and that I had come to collect my patient’s lab results. The nurse was not helpful at all and she seemed not happy seeing me at the OB unit. I explained it to her that I had my clinical experience earlier in the day and now, I just need to collect few information to complete my PAT report. Since all the nurses were sitting at the nursing station, I never wanted to distract the other nurses, so I asked her if I could use the computers at the back. She let me use it, because I was not feeling well for somehow, I could not see the patient result then I said how comes I am not seeing the lab result and my classmate look at the computer and told me where to get the lab result.

Discrimination letter

Please use this information to write the letter. Two-page paper. The above letter is to let you know what happen.

I felt that school of nursing is discrimination me, they fail me the class that I had for the clinical as a punishment and they told me to write readmission letter and they deny my letter. It did not clearly outline in Family 1 class that students cannot go to clinical together and help each other but in fact we used to help each other during the clinical shift. Every single student said that they went clinical with other student and that nobody knew going with your classmate to the clinical was Hippa violation. The non-minority student said that if this could happen to them it will not go that fur. The director of school also stated that if school of nursing let us stay and hospital forgive us then it is about our faculty to decide whether they will fail us one class or give us misconduct. They failed me Family 1, I acknowledge in my readmission letter that this happen unintentionally, and It will never have reoccurred again. However, for them to tell me to write readmission letter and not accept me was either false reassuring or they change their decision, also the director of the school failed to explain why they did not choice me, but the letter says that with lack of professional and academic understanding at this level in the nursing program, as well as your lack of integrity in acknowledging that violation occurred that they have decided not to readmit me.( first of all I never failed any of my class, no teacher ever told me both in the clinical and the class that I am unprofessional and I am not understanding something, second I stated that I acknowledge this incident and it will never happen again. This incident happens on March 29 and upto now I was in constant worried, this was psychological torture, they were support tell us to go first time, but for them to keep us in this unknown situation and to tell us go at this time is in fact discrimination as a minority student and it is far reaching impact is the too much stereotype I have.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discrimination Name Institution Discrimination First of all, I would like to say that I have never been discriminated against and that this is my first discrimination complaint. However, I would like to add that I am an honest person and believe that I am telling the truth and to the best of my knowledge. I write this letter to explicitly say that I believe that the School of Nursing is somehow discriminating against me. I was failed the class that I had for the clinical as a punishment and I was asked to write a readmission letter which was later declined. Firstly, I would like to say that it was not clearly outlined during the Family 1 class that students should not go to the clinical together or that students should not help each other which we normally did during the clinical shift. Apparently, every single student said that they went to the clinical with another student. Additionally, students also revealed that they were unaware of the fact that it was against any law to go for the clinical with classmates much less that it was a Hippa violation. On the above, the director of school also stated that if the school of nursing would let us stay and the hospital forgives us, then it will be left in the hands of our faculty to decide whether to fail us one class or give us a misconduct. For me, however, I was failed Family 1 in spite of the fact that I acknowledge in my readmission letter that this happened unintentionally and that it will never happen again. While I acknowledge their actions as the governing body, I fail to understand why I was asked to write the readmission letter in the first place. This is because I believe that for them to tell me to write the readmission lett...
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