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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Disciplining Professionals

Essay Instructions:

address the following, Disciplining a professional who has consistently violated policy for ethical conduct.

Some of the ethical principles deal with the concepts of beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Choose one of the following examples and consider how each of these concepts could be applied to your work as an administrator or healthcare professional. Provide examples and how you would manage the situation.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be two to three pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.

Support your discussion by referencing and citing at least three references with associated in-text citations. 

Headings for each of the ethical concepts being discussed to organize the content in your work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Disciplining Professionals
Course title:
Virtually every professional field has a code of ethics that governs the manner in which the professions are expected to behave. The code often sets out the parameters that each person in the sector must adhere and stick to. Even with clear guidelines of expected behavior in the course of one’s duties, there are professionals who still go against these set parameters. Whenever there is a violation of the set principles, the concerned professionals ought to be disciplined. The main issue of discussion herein is one of the aspects of ethical professionalism which is beneficence. The main issue of discussion will be how this issue is applicable in a professional field and when violated, how best to manage such a situation.
This concept is very common during medical researches. When conducting a research especially in the medical field, sometimes it becomes imperative to use real human beings in order to get satisfactory results. In such a case, researchers have to consider that participants to a research have rights. There are ethical parameters that must be followed by researchers and which if violated will results to overriding the rights of the participants.
Beneficence is all inclusive term that focuses on ensuring that all the interests and general welfare of the participants in a research are considered and observed. When conducting researches for example, some of the procedures carried out could have side effects either physically, psychologically or otherwise (Burkhardt, 2013). The researcher is required under the code of ethics of the profession to make full disclosure of all the information regarding the research to the participant. If there are any side effects that the research participant is likely to suffer as result of the research, then such information must be made available.
Often, researchers blind the participants by giving them handouts so as that they may overlook some of the risks involved. Paper procedure in research requires full disclosure of information (Treas, 2013). For instance, there are some injections, when carried out on a human being may severely interfere with their reproductive health. Some of the researchers, in full knowledge of this information fail disclose to the participants.
As a healt...
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