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Analysis of Ethical Dilemma from Current Events

Essay Instructions:
Iwant use only the writer with order#0012841 PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE YOU DO THE ASSIGNMENT.PLEASE USE THE GRADING RUBRIC TO MAKE THE ESSAY.PLEASE SEE THE GRADING RUBRIC AND5th ed APA FORMAT INFORMATION IS ON THE ATTACHMENT. USE 5th ed APA FORMAT FOR THE ESSAY AND REFERENCES, PLEASE ATTACH THE ARTICLE AND URL WITH THE ASSIGNMENT. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Write a 1000-1250-word analysis of an ethical dilemma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Select an event or occurrence concerning a community or global population published in a newspaper, popular magazine, or professional journal within the last 3 months. 2. Address all elements listed below in a substantive manner: 3. Describe the event and ethical implications. Be sure to attach the source article or URL for the instructor. 4. Use appropriate ethical terminology to define the concern(s). 5. Analyze the scenario or topic according to the decision-making model. 6. Identify the problem. 7. State your value and ethical position related to the case. Present the theories and principles on which your position is based. 8. Generate alternatives for resolving the problem. 9. Examine and categorize the alternatives. 10. Predict the possible consequences for those acceptable alternatives. 11. Prioritize acceptable alternatives . 12. Develop a Plan of Action. 13. Evaluate: Did you do the right thing?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Man Accused of Sex Abuse Involving 8-year-old Girl: Times Daily
A Man Accused of Sex Abuse Involving 8-year-old Girl: Times Daily
This is a story of a man who was charged with two counts of first-degree sodomy, sexual abuse of a child younger than 12, and a third-criminal mischief. It is believed that the man, Muston Brandon has been having serious sexual relationship with the said girl from 2009 that is 2 years ago. Muston is said to be a family acquaintance of the children and that he is likely to have sodomized the girl many times in the past one and half years. When he had that investigations were being carried out, the man resulted into vandalism that caused him the other charge of third-criminal mischief. This is a frightening story and it gives rises to ethical behavior.
Ethical Implications
Ethics is the art of knowing and doing the right while shunning down the wrong (Pojman & Fieser, 2008). It was unethical for the man to defile a girl of 7 years when he is 31 years old. In any case, there are many women of her caliber and age and therefore he should have gone for such. It is amazing that the man is an older person who is supposed to protect the child but instead he has turned to the beast that wants to finish the girl. His age means that he has attained a maturity age and should have a sense of reasoning in a rational way and morally upright. This he does not have. What a pity to the growing generation! In the article, it is very clear that rape and assaults victims constitute 15% of girls who are younger than 12 years (Griffiths & Richards, 2002).
This means for every 100 women who are raped and assaulted, 15 of them are below 12 years. This serious issue implies a lot concerning the decaying level of ethics among humanity. Morality amongst the human relations is decaying at a high rate no wonder Muston sodomized the girl when he was and acquaintance of the girl’s family. It is more surprising that when the investigations begin, he commits another crime. One question we are left asking, is this man normal? Does he has a sense of reasoning thus able to judge right and wrong that constitutes ethics? Unfortunately, we are left with no answers. Such unethical behaviors are not supposed to be allowed to happen.
Analysis as a Decision-Making Model
Decision-making models are developed frameworks that enhance the process of making decisions in a faster way. They are various models that make the decision-making be fast and efficient ranging from individuals to group decision-making. In this case, an individual model for making decision was going to be ineffective hence the need to engage the jury in making the decision as to whether the act was ethical or unethical. Applying any decision model will entail different process in order to achieve an end that most of the stakeholders will be happy and contented with (Ranyard, Crozier & Svenson, 1997). The following steps are necessary;
Identification of the problem
The problem in this scenario is whether the man committed a crime or not and if so was it an unethical or ethical behavior? Other than the identification of the problem, it is also wise to identify the remedies of the actions if there are going to be proved unethical and criminal. Most actions committed are ethical or unethical, criminal or non-criminal and not in between any of the two. The problem is identifying where the problem actually falls into as regards the category of the offence and ...
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