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Dietetic practice

Essay Instructions:

Questions and instructions can be found in the attached document.

This assignment is for a dietetics course. Please keep that in consideration when answering these questions.

Use these 2 websites as the primary source of information:

College of Dietitians of Ontario https://www(dot)collegeofdietitians(dot)org/home.aspx

Dietitians of Canada https://www(dot)dietitians(dot)ca/About/Blog?Page=1

Use information from Canada and preferably from Ontario Canada.

Question 1 (1 short paragraph)

define Integrated Learning and provide one example of their relevance to dietetics practice.

Question 2 (one paragraph maximum)

Read the blog written by Kelly Gordon, RD available at: https://www(dot)nourishhealthcare(dot)ca/blog/tag/kelly+gordon. Answers to part b, c should make reference to readings and lectures.

1. What are two key take-away messages you learned from reading this blog? (2 marks)

2. After reading about how Kelly practices dietetics, how does this inform professional practice for dietitians or other food and nutrition professionals working with Indigenous communities? (3 marks)

3. Identify one key health equity issue in this blog and suggest ways to address the root cause of the issue. (3 marks)

Question 3 (Answer 1 page maximum)

The College of Dietitians of Ontario Code of Ethics (2019) has been developed to

clearly articulate the application of four healthcare ethical principles: beneficence (to do

good), non-maleficence (do no harm), respect for persons/justice and respect for

autonomy all of which guide evidence-based dietetic practice. Discuss two of these

ethical principles and their associated applications in relation to standards of practice

and guidelines and/or relevant legislation and policies.

Question 4 (Answer 1⁄2 page maximum)

Explain what the harm clause in the Regulated Health Professions Act (1991) refers to and to whom it applies and the potential charges applicable to individuals who are found to be in breach of the harm clause. Your answer will include reference to the dietetics scope of practice and controlled acts in your explanation of when and individual could be found in breach of the harm clause.

Question 5 (Answer 1 page maximum)

Compare and contrast the concepts of Conflict of Interest and Boundary Issues. Your answer will include reference to the fiduciary duty of the RD to their client. Describe an original (not based on examples discussed in class) scenario in which a potential conflict of interest may arise, and explain steps the RD should take in order to manage the conflict in relation to the DORM principles (8 marks: 2 marks for similarities & differences of COI/BI, 4 marks scenario, 4 marks use of DORM principles used to manage the conflict)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dietetic Practice
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Institutional Affiliation
Dietetic Practice
Question 1
The contemporary aspects of humanity do not exist in isolation. Most of these aspects prevail in integrated environments where diverse factors influence each other in an intricate approach. Equally, this phenomenon is observed in the field of dietetics, where it is comprised of many elements influencing each other. Thus, the discipline of dietetics requires integrated learning. The meaning of food and nutrition security demands integrated learning and understanding of food production, sustainability, land use, distribution, access, the relationship between people and food, utilization, and stability. For actualizing the optimized role of food in the community, there is a need to learn about integrated dietetics where various aspects or concepts of food, nutrition, or diet are understood at multiple levels, including local, regional and international. For example, integrated learning can explore the relationship between people and food, food and culture, or food and disease.
Question 2
(a) From Kelly Gordon’s blog, some critical dietetics messages and implications can be deduced. First, the majority of dieticians emphasize the role of food in health and human wellbeing. However, there are gaps in addressing social, emotional, mental, and spiritual connections that people have with food. For example, when individuals are advised to choose healthy fats and eat smaller carbohydrate portions, the recommendations may not bear the individual's or clients' desired outcomes, or clients are affected by food insecurity. Thus, it is crucial to understand the existing relationship between people and food. Second, there is a need to shift from contemporary perceptions around dieticians' and healthcare providers' role and dominant western biomedical care practices by establishing a model of care rooted within Indigenous practices and food.  It is becoming more critical to recognize and appreciate indigenous wisdom as a reliable and trustworthy source of information. Western biomedical care practices like healthy foods should be challenged because it is causing shame about what people should eat or not eat. Instead, more focus should be channeled towards a holistic understanding of nourishing food while considering culture, spiritual connections with food, people's emotions and perceptions towards food, and a greater land use concept.
(b) Kelly Gordon’s blog show an increased need for dietetics professionalism transformation. There is a need to move away from dominant western biomedical practice to practices that encourage indigenous foods' contextualization.
Question 3
Dietitians are expected to behave in an ethical approach in various situations when interacting with clients. Professional behaviors are anchored on the code of ethics. The code of ethics is guided by fundamental principles, including autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice for all persons (College of Dietitians of Ontario, 2019). First, the dietitians are expected to treat clients as self-governing and autonomous individuals. Dietitians should acknowledge clients' choices and seek consent while collecting and disclosing personal health information. Second, the dietitians should act to promote the best interest of both the client and society. Dietitians can demonstrate appropriate behavior, report inappropriate behaviors, be accountable, and collaborate in a way that is beneficial to the clients. Third, in non-maleficence, dietitians do not harm by avoiding and minimizing harm to others. Following set legislation is one way of ensuring that no harm is caused to the client. For instance, the Regulated Health Professions Act (1991), as espoused under the Dietetics Act, 1991, while focusing on dietetics, prescribes the scope of practice for dieticians and allows dietetics only to perform skin pricks as allowed acts to safeguard clients. They should provide accurate information, refrain from fails and fraudulent claims, and avoid acts of abuse or harassment. Besides, professional boundaries should be upheld. Finally, dietitians depict respect and treat others fairly and equitably. The code of ethics is guided and enhanced by legislation and policies. For public protection reasons, the Regulated Health Professions Act, in synergy with other laws, prescribes dietitians' obligations. Failure to comply with legal and professional responsibilities will lead to failure to remediate action by the College, legal action, or potential fines to ensure clients' safety.
Question 4
The Regulated Health Professions Act (1991), as espoused under the Dietetics Act, 1991, while focusing on dietetics, prescribes the scope of p...
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