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3 Days Diet Analysis Project: Vitamins D, E

Essay Instructions:

Diet Analysis Project; Summary

A record of seven days of food intake will be recorded, and analysis of three of the days will be preformed, using either the internet or a food/diet analysis table found in the back of your text book. You are also required to provide a two page summary of your eating behaviors and a recommendation of how you would improve your dietary intake based on the summary and the diet analysis. 

Diet analysis project. 

Instructions; Collect seven days of food intake, and record the approximate time, a description of the food or beverage you’ve consumed [chicken-fried, milk-1% low fat], and a measured amount. The amount is the tricky part but attempt to be as accurate as you can. 

You will need to select three days, one of which should be a weekend day, and prepare to analysis these days. You will need to provide information on the amount of food you consumed. At some point when you are providing a summary of your eating behaviors you will need to comment on the amount you eat as a serving as compared to what the serving size is for that food. 

You will then provide the calories you consumed from each food and break down the food for carbohydrate, fat and protein intake. You will also need to provide the intake of certain vitamins and minerals. If you have purchased a book that came with an access code for a web based dietary analysis you may certainly use this program. If you did not get a code with your book, a dietary analysis program will be available to you, such as the one at Mypryamid.gov. You may also use a nutrient composition table accessed on the internet of your choosing. (http://www(dot)choosemy0plate(dot)gov/ 


Compare your three days. Is there a wide variation for daily calories, amount of food or for certain nutrients? Include a comment about this in your summary. You are also to write in your summary about how you think your eating behaviors and your nutrient intake are meeting your nutritional needs and what you might do to improve them. For this section you may use the U.S. Dietary Guidelines provided in the beginning of your text or anything else covered in your book or in class. This is not an assignment that you are to obsess over. There is no way to be 100% accurate so do the best you can at assessing how your diet/nutrition is, and provide some critical and creative thinking on how you might improve itFOOD INTAKE Record: Seven Days


Time FOOD and description Amount

[Cover page for your Diet Analysis Assignment]

Diet Analysis Assignment


Student Name, (Last, First)


Student Number

HUN 1201_____________________________ ___________________

Meeting Day & Time

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Diet Analysis Assignment Name Student Number HUN 1201
Meeting Day & Time

There are set nutrients target and calories with the foods consumed and intensity of physical activities also necessary to determine the required daily intake. The set target for daily calories is 2,400 but the average calories for 1st November 2015 to 3rd November 2015 were 1671 calories and this was a concern. A further look into the nutrient report shows that the minerals were most likely to fall below the recommended target, but the sodium level was 2590 mg higher than the recommended level of 2,300 mg. This indicates that there is a need to reduce servings of processed foods and amount of salt contaminated in the food. The nutrient and calories summary is an average of three days, and this helps to determine whether targets are achievable and what needs to be changed.
The protein and carbohydrates levels were okay while the dietary fiber was 22 g was below the target level and the saturated fats were higher than the set target. Despite the cholesterol levels being alright there is concern that the saturated fat level might increase the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL levels in blood. As such, there is a need to reduce the LDL levels as this is associated with lower cholesterol (Webmd.com, 2015). Dieting and exercising are integral elements to achieving the desired LDL levels and reducing the risk of LDL building up around the arteries (Webmd.com, 2015).
Around 10% of the total calorie was from the chicken, leg quarter (drumstick and thigh), baked and skin eaten. Another 10% of the calorie intake was from the turkey wing, cooked skin eaten. These were also the two main sources of protein. Adding both plant and animal protein is necessary to ensure healthy eating, including eating poultry and seafood where possible. Poultry lean meat and other low-fat meat has less saturated fat. There is a need to increase intake vegetables, fruits as well as whole grains with fewer calories while also increasing the nutrient content to ensure there are more healthy foods. Other than this is the need to reduce the amount of added solid fats and added sugars. The salad, grapefruit and spinach each contributed 1% of the calorie intake highlighting the need to increase their consumption to add the nutrient level in the diet.
Vitamins D, E and choline were deficient, with the consumption of fruits and vegetables being the main sources of vitamin sources. There was no consumption of either starchy or beans and peas, which were considered vegetables, but the dark green intake was alright. Eating raw tomatoes and peanut are sources of vitamin that were not considered in the diet an...
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