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Diet Analysis Project

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Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s name Date Table 1. Personal Food Diary Analysis of the Actual Dietary Intake Versus Recommended Daily Allowance NUTRIENT %  (from the reports) DIET CHANGES NEEDED (2 specific foods/beverages) Calories 22% 1. (+) Increase portions of each meal to meet the RDA of 2000-2500kcal 2. (+) Increase intake of fruits and vegetables The goal percentage for calories is more than or equal to 80% but less than or equal to 120%. Although I have achieved the goal, 22% is much lower than expected. Protein (g/kg/day) 16% 1. (+) Add chicken breast, at least 3 ounces, to the diet 2. (+) May also add 1 cup of tofu to the diet The goal percentage is <100%. Carbohydrates 18% 1. (+) Add whole grains like pasta for at least 1 cup to the diet 2. (+) May add white, brown, or black rice, 1 cup to the diet Goal: 45-55% of the total calories or 225-325g daily Dietary Fiber 9% 1. (+) Add ½ cup of lentils to diet 2. (+) Add ½ cup of fiber, such as bananas, to the diet Goa: 100% included in the diet. This should be 25g daily for women and 38g for men. Fat 27% 1. (-) Decrease dietary intake of fried, intense f...
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