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DHYG 435 Reflection

Essay Instructions:

Hi so you will need to write a reflection paper on a signature assignment I did in my dental hygiene clinic class (which is a class that we actual clean people teeth). I will attach a guide that tells you what you need to include in the reflection and in red I added some stuff you can add in each paragraph more. Please go by bullet points and add everything that is needed. I am a dental hygiene student so please make sure to correctly refer to as a dental hygienist.

APA 7 format

Presentations are in small peer groups with one faculty member. You are to create a reflective essay on how this signature assignment meets at least two of the three course learning outcomes (CLOs) for DHYG 405. If you feel this signature assignment meets all three of the CLOs, this will be acceptable as well. To follow are the three CLOs for this course:

  • Correlate scientific knowledge to principles of professional dental hygiene patient care.
  • Exhibit professional growth and development through self-evaluation.
  • Explain the value of skilled dental hygiene techniques for patient and clinician safety combined with effective communication.
    You are to create a thoughtful and reflective essay in a Microsoft Word document that has 1 inch margins (all around),

12-font Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and you are to indent each paragraph. This essay must include a minimum of four paragraphs (For this course a paragraph must be a minimum of 3 sentences, even though the APA rule is 2 sentences). This essay may be written in first person tense because this is your personal reflection. This reflective essay is to be written at a level that is indicative of your status of entering your senior year in college. Expectations

  • ·  Introductory paragraph that describes the signature assignment of creating a case study based on the PCP risk assessments. Discuss how this assignment connects to the learning outcomes in this course (you must write about how they connect to at least 2 of the 3 CLOs from above).
  • This signature assignment consisted of finding a patient who is periodontally involved and list all of there information on a powerpoint. From the patients need we need to make a pico question and answer it at the end of the powerpoint. This connects to the first and second clo which are Correlate scientific knowledge to principles of professional dental hygiene patient care and Exhibit professional growth and development through self-evaluation.


o What challenges did you face in completing this signature assignment? o How did you address/troubleshoot challenges for this assignment?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

DHYG 435 Reflection
Author’s Name
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Professor’s Name

DHYG 435 Reflection
The signature assignment involved finding a periodontal patient and listing all relevant information on how to handle the disease in a PowerPoint. At the end of the PowerPoint, we were required to develop a PICO question. In particular, the assignment connects with the first and second-course learning outcomes (CLOs). They include correlating scientific knowledge to principles of professional dental hygiene patient care and exhibiting professional growth and development through self-evaluation.
I applied the scientific knowledge and principles I obtained from the DHYG 435 class when dealing with periodontal patients. For instance, developing a dental hygiene care plan requires a proper understanding of how nutrition influences teeth health. Additionally, through self-evaluation, I gained relevant knowledge that facilitated my career growth and development. Different patients should consider distinctive factors to maintain their dental health. I realized that relating well to patients gives an individual a chance to improve the quality of dental services. I will use the acquired information in my future career to ensure that my periodontal patients’ needs are fulfilled fully.
Fortunately, I did not encounter any significant challenge in my signature assignment that hindered me from completing it successfully. For example, when it came to getting periodontal patients, I did not have problems since I had numerous to choose from, which means that no time was wasted in selecting my participants. Furthermore, I succeeded in finishing this assignment since I was aware of the factors that affect periodontal patients. For example, I had dealt with a patient who has been a smoker for the past two decades.
My learning process throughout the course was good, and I learned how to make effective dental hygiene care plans for distinctive patients. I feel like for every step I made, I go...
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