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Devising and Revising Case

Essay Instructions:

Newton, Bower, and Williams (2004) outline the process of "devising and revising" a research question, be it descriptive, relational, or comparative. After reading their paper, write a three-page paper that addresses the following: 1.How do descriptive research questions differ from questions of relationship? From questions of comparison? 2.How should a researcher determine if prior research exists on her intended research topic? 3.What factors should be used to gauge the quality of previous research? Why are these important in making this assessment? 4.Should formulation of a research question precede or follow consultation with the scholarly literature? Please explain. Assignment Expectations *You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings. *Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. *In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials. *Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list. *Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been address clearly and completely. Length: 3 pages typed, double-spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Devising and Revising Case
Course Title:
Part 1
Descriptive Research Questions: Descriptive research questions differ from questions of relationship in that descriptive questions are the When? Where? What? and Who? Questions whilst questions of relationship are concerned with answering the question: How are two or more things related? Newton, Bower and Williams (2004) stated that with descriptive questions, descriptions basically form the foundation of every research, and all new areas of investigation have to begin by describing the phenomena. An example of a descriptive study is the investigation of the preferred roles of dental patients in treatment decision-making. Other examples are case studies, along with description of the prevalence and incidence of theillness (Richards, 2009).
Questions of Relationships: descriptive questions differ from questions of relationships primarily because, unlike descriptive questions, Questions of Relationship usually ask how phenomena are related. For instance, earlier research studies of fluoridation observed a relationship between the presence of fluoride in the water and low levels of caries (Newton, Bower & Williams, 2004). Within the primary care setting, associations between phenomena may offer valuable information for the planning of one’s practice. One may ask himself/herself: are failures to attend associated with the time when schools are on holidays? Are patients more probable to fail an appointment for the hygienist, or for a dentist?
Questions of Comparison: Descriptive research questions differ from questions of comparison in that questions of comparison usually ask about cause and effect. In essence, 2 things are compared in order to establish cause and effect. For instance, if one person or a grouping of people is given a certain treatment, does that treatment improve their outcome in comparison to a person or grouping of people who were not given that treatment? In demonstrating cause and effect, it is essential to make sure that the only possible cause is the variable of interest (Newton, Bower & Williams, 2004).
Part 2
A researcher has to determine if earlier research exists on his/her intended research topic by consulting numerous sources such as the Cochrane Library so as to knowifa systematic review of the subject matter or topic has been published. The researcher will search in various sources of information including the following computerized databases: Health information for London Online; back copies of the BDJ; computer...
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