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Prostitution in America: A Deviant Behavior, World's History

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Activity One Instructions
“Deviance is Relative, Right?”
Sociology of Deviance. You should be familiar with the definitions of deviance, social control, norms, sanctions, and the overall themes of the text
In this first Learning Module we have examined the diversity and relativity of deviance, and looked at its many manifestations in American society. The diversity of deviance –and how drastically norms and attitudes may change over time –is a fundamental idea in the sociological study of deviance. Certain acts that at one time may have been considered deviant may be less so (or not at all) today, and other acts may vary from place to place or circumstance to circumstance. 
Further on in our course we will look at specific acts of deviance in greater detail. 
But, for now, consider prostitution –the exchange of sex for money - for this Discussion Activity, and answer BOTH of the following questions in your response:
Discussion Questions:
1.Do you consider prostitution to be deviant? If yes: what specific norm has been violated? If no:why not?
2.Is there ever a time that prostitution could be considered acceptable(non-deviant)behavior?
Provide very specific reasons and examples to support your answers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prostitution in America: A Deviant Behavior
Institutional Affiliation:
Prostitution in America: A Deviant Behavior
Prompt #1
Prostitution is among the oldest practiced and recognized profession in the world’s history. The vice was considered the norm during the BC era, but this changed in the AD era where it was perceived as a deviant behavior (Vijaisri, 2005). Over the years, there have been alternating phases of prostitution tolerance and repression globally. Most of the force against the vice arise from religious groups such as the Christian societies that consider it as an evil practice. In the United States, the act is taken as a violation of societal rules that dictate that one should not sell their body for sex. However, there have been increasing cases of prostitution in spite of the many programs aimed at suppressing.
In my view, prostitution is a practice that deviates from the expectations of how people should interact sexually in America. Individuals are not supposed to engage in sexual acts with the aim of getting some financial gain; renting one’s body is culturally unacceptable. In the current society, prostitution is taken as an immoral act and hence the people that practice the same illustrate deviance. In particular, most religions such as Christianity and Islam condemn sexual acts that are done purposely to obtain money. Also, prostitution corrupts the values of the nation; people have turned sex into a means of making a living out of it and hence future generations may adopt the same. Additionally, many states in the United States have not legalized prostitution and thus is considered illegal (Vega, 2014). In this perspective, the individuals that get involved in the vice do not conform to the set rules.
Prompt #2
Over the centuries, sex work has been undergoing different phases of acceptance and rejection. I am of the opinion that there would come a time when the practice will become a norm in the society. During the ancient civilization, people did not view prostitution as an evil act. Some religious sects considered it to be sacred while o...
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