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Developing an Implementation (NRS 441 Nursing Project)

Essay Instructions:

Continue of Assignment 29190, 29191, 29623, Need same writer. Consider the population in which the solution is intended, the staff that will participate, and the key contributors that must provide approval and/or support for your project to be implemented. These stakeholders are considered your audience. Develop an implementation plan (1,500-2,000 words). The elements that should be included in your plan are listed below: 1.Method of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support from your organization's leadership and fellow staff. 2.Description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring a change. Hint: If you are proposing a change in current policy, process, or procedure(s) when delivering patient care, describe first the current policy, process, or procedure as a baseline for comparison. 3.Detailed explanation of proposed solution (new policy, process, procedure, or education to address the problem/deficit). 4.Rationale for selecting proposed solution. 5.Evidence from your review of literature in Topic 2 to support your proposed solution and reason for change. 6.Description of implementation logistics (When and how will the change be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow? Who will be responsible for initiating the change, educating staff, and overseeing the implementation process?) 7.Resources required for implementation: Staff; Educational Materials (pamphlets, handouts, posters, and PowerPoint presentations); Assessment Tools (questionnaires, surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and after intervention); Technology (technology or software needs); Funds (cost of educating staff, printing or producing educational materials, gathering and analyzing data before, during, and following implementation), and staff to initiate, oversee, and evaluate change. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. 5 NRS 441v.11R.Module 3_Checklist.doc

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Suneeta Sharma
Instructor: Deb Thorson
Grand Canyon University: NRS 441 Nursing Research Project
August 21, 2014
The spirit of inquiry is an integral aspect in implementing evidence-based practice among nurses, and allows nurses to make clinical decisions based on best evidence (Stillwell et al., 2010). Communicating with key decision makers ensures that implementation is successful and focuses on evidence-based practice, as sufficient resources are allocated in changing practice. Even though, education is important to ensure that EBP is embedded in the practice environment, the culture needs to support changes in the organization (Houser & Oman, 2011). A pressure prevention program needs to focus on various strategies involving staff education, while also integrating nurses and stakeholders in carrying out interventions (Sullivan & Schoelles, 2013). This paper focuses on developing an implementation plan for pressure ulcer prevention.
Obtaining necessary approval
Nurses need approval and support to implement evidence based practice. Approval will highlight on the need to implement changes in nursing education, and how to use repositioning to prevent pressure ulcers. Essentially, the proposed solution should be well understood by fellow nurses and key stakeholders including the hospital’s management. One of the considerations is consultations with nurses to enable them to agree to the changes fully. Equally, the management ought to have a positive view on the project being worthwhile and the changes being necessary. According to Fawcett & Garity (2008), open communication with nurses allows them to fully participate in learning and implementing change while relying on evidence.
Description of current problem
Pressure ulcers mainly affect bed bound patients with limited mobility and those who have undergone surgery. Nurses typically use repositioning as one of the first inventions to prevent pressure ulcers. However, the intervention does not always relieve pressure in all areas, and hence nurses need to use evidence based practice in using repositioning and other interventions. There is less agreement on the most appropriate pressure reliving devices and surfaces and role of repositioning for patients with different cases of mobility (Mill et al., 2013). Lack of knowledge on pressure ulcer risk factors, and appropriate interventions makes it harder to prevent pressure ulcers. Fawcett & Garity (2008) highlight on the significance of nurse education on how to use evidence based practice and utilize the most appropriate intervention strategies for patients at high risk of pressure ulcers.
Proposed solution
An education program focusing on pressure ulcer intervention strategies is appropriate to sensitize nurses and should be flexible to account for the needs of the nursing staff (Boltz et al., 2011). This includes use of risk assessment tools which are integral components of the interventions, as they facilitate assessment of risk of pressure ulcer. Furthermore, the program needs to highlight the positioning techniques that are most appropriate to reduce risk of skin breakdown, through relying on evidence based literature and data to collaborate information on the efficacy of repositioning as a technique. Even though, the program primarily targets nurse, other stakeholders including clients and their family members need to be aware about the program in order to provide a more holistic health care. In any case, ongoing evaluation of the project is critical to the success of the project
The goal of the education program is to impart knowledge on the project participants, and emphasis on prevention of pressure ulcers is a top priority. As such, it is necessary to promote engagement with various stakeholders to provide a supportive environment for EBP (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhot, 2011). The changes will be implemented gradually, and hence the nurses need to be well prepared to incorporate new practices. Hence, the education program will also highlight on implementing general changes in the workplace, but also focus on best practices that are more applicable in the organization. Overall the proposed solution will ensure that there is a systematic use of interventions with maintaining change in practice allowing adoption of a new standard of care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhot, 2011).
Rationale for selecting proposed solution
Nurses need to use appropriate education resources to improve risk assessment and the interventions chosen should also be appropriate. Hence, nursing education helps nurses to choose interventions and apply evidence to support their actions and decision making (Larrabee, 2009). Patients have their preferred sleeping positions, and nurses are better placed to assess the impact of different sleeping posits on pressure ulcer. In any case, nurses who have limited training on repositioning are not in a position to combine repositioning with other interventions. The training should also incorporate key stakeholders, but mostly focus on nurses who deal directly with patients. Equally, the hospital management should be well aware about the importance of the project and hence should be sensitized and nursing education and training. Education will encourage nurses to focus more on monitoring changes, and monitoring ensures that the project’s goals are met (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhot, 2011).
In order to facilitate change, the nurses should be well informed about the proposed changes and how this would help them in pressure ulcer prevention. Evidence based practice influences the nurses’ decisions, with training enabling them to implement the project in view of the evidence presented (Larrabee, 2009). The key stakeholders also have a stake in the project, with their sentiments being critical to the success of the project. Hence, informing nurse leaders and updating them about the proposed changes facilitates adoption of proposed solution. Training and education allows nurses to use effective strategies, as incorporation of new evidence helps to make clinical practice more comprehensive and relevant in prevention of pressure ulcers.
Evidence from review of literature
Relying on formal assessment tools helps to reduce risk of pressure ulcer, highlighting the need to touch on these tools in education programs (Chou et al., 2013). Nurses typically use repositioning, but fewer nurses rely on evidence based practice to assess the efficacy of interventions. According to Dini et al (2006), nurses should focus more on EBP in choosing the most appropriate strategies to prevent pressure ulcers. The rationale for this is that pressure ulcers impose a huge financial burden on the healthcare system, and hence prevention of pressure ulcers should be more effective after adoption of changes. The average cost of treating pressure ulcer is $ 50,000, and since they are avoidable it is necessary to implement changes (Brown, 2013).
The education program should ideally improve patient outcome for the interventions to be considered effective. Besides the education program helping nurses to retain knowledge and prevent pressure ulcers, the program also helps the patients get individualized education that is more suitable for each patient (Garber et al., 2002). Pressure ulcers are preventable and it is through using the most effective interventions that hospitals ...
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