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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Designing a Study: Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

In week 2 you chose an operational problem you wanted to work to solve, for which you built a project charter. Take the same operational problem and design a study to address the issue.

Your study must include the following elements:

1. What data will you be collecting and measuring?

2. Why did you choose this data?

3. How will you collect the data?

4. What story does the data tell as it relates to your operational problem?

5. How could you make sure the data is representative of the actual situation?

6. Build a hypothesis

Paper Requirements

Follow APA formatting

Required to meet all elements listed above, no minimum page requirement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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1 What data will you be collecting and measuring?
The data that will be collected in as far as the problem of staff retention is concerned include information from the employees on a number of issues affecting them. The staff being the major beneficiaries of the project will provide information on their job satisfaction and also suggestions on how things should be made better. The other aspect would be a systematic review of other similar healthcare facilities in order to understand their strategies in retaining employees in as far as work-life balance is concerned. Also, data on the best salary packages will be retrieved through the systematic review to understand how competitive the facility’s salaries are in comparison to other healthcare providers in the same rank. Another important aspect of data that will be required includes the guidelines and standards set by the health body for employee training and career development. Given the facility deals mostly with cancer, a field that is evolving day and night, it will be very important to receive the standards, training manuals and guidelines.
2. Why did you choose this data?
There are many reasons why I chose this data. The data will provide the necessary information, which will allow Concord Medical Center to overcome its major challenge of staff turnover. Firstly, it will focus on the employees who are the foundation of the problem and therefore any strategy that is geared towards improving their work environment should originate from them. The systematic review of other facilities could be very crucial in ensuring that whatever salary and work conditions or work schedules offered at Concord Medical Center match or are higher than those offered in other facilities. Lastly, given the healthcare field is ever evolving, and in particular cancer treatment, it ...
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