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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Epidemiology of Malaria in Padre Cocha

Essay Instructions:

Please write a descriptive epidemiological analysis of a disease or health condition of your choice. Describe the basic patterns of this health condition by person, place, and time. Use the online library or the internet to research your health condition. Use the Descriptive Epidemiology Information in the Module home page. Assignment Expectations, in order to earn full credit: Please write your paper in your own words. That is the only way I can evaluate your level of understanding. Quotes are rarely needed; if necessary, they should comprise less than 10% of a paper and must be properly cited. Even though the papers must be written in your own words, you are required to cite sources for any statement of fact or idea that is not common knowledge. You must cite the sources within the body of the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper. Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information. Use credible, professional, and scholarly sources such as journal articles from ProQuest or EBSCO, and government, university, or nonprofit organizations’ Web sites. You must clearly show that you have read the module homepage and the required background materials. You are welcome to do research in addition to -- but not instead of -- the required readings. Your papers will be evaluated on the following factors: •References - citations are used within the body of the paper any time you state a fact or idea that is not common knowledge. A reference list is included at the end of the paper. •Precision - you follow all instructions and you answer each part of the assignment. •Breadth - you show broad knowledge of the module’s topic. •Depth - you go into detail to show more critical thought about the specific tasks or questions in the assignment. •Clarity - the extent to which you elaborate and include discussion or examples as asked. •Application - the extent to which you apply the information to a real-life situation related to the assignment, if asked. Before you begin, please review this information about When to Cite Sources http://www(dot)princeton(dot)edu/pr/pub/integrity/pages/cite/ Other resources are available at http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/02/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Epidemiology of Malaria in Padre Cocha

In a study conducted in the Peruvian Amazon within a village that hosts more than 1400 persons called the Padre Cocha, which is on the north west of Iquitos approximately 5 kilometers, recorded high rates of malaria infections. Majority of the malaria infections, are caused by the parasite Plasmodium vivax, P. Falciparum. The former, accounts for more than 826 that are infected for every 1000 persons, while the latter accounts for more than 166 persons that are infected in every 1000 persons. In Peru the rate of infection of the disease has been rising through 1990s up to date. Peruvian ministry of health conducted a survey that indicated the disease has increased more than 7 folds, with the Plasmodium falciparum infection rising to more than 30% of the infection rates. In the village there is a health facility that is open for five days and has nurses that are well trained on the procedures of dispensing the ant-malarial drugs as well as conduction blood smears. The patients in the area have shown signs of resistance to the Chloroquine and have to be treated using the primaquine and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamani (Roper,Torres, Goicochea, Andersen, Aramburuguarda, Calampa, Hightower & Magill, 2000). Those that are also resist...
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