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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Description of Clinical Issue

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Questions
Professional nurses rely on research findings to inform practice decisions; they use critical thinking to apply research directly to specific patient care situations.
Think about an independent nursing practice problem you care passionately about and would be interested in searching for evidence.
The below problems should NOT be used:
*medical/doctor/physician problems such as medications, or medications administration or effects, diagnostics such as EKGs, labs, cardiac catherizations.
*staffing, nurse-to-patient ratios, workforce issues are organizational/system /political/administrative/multi-stakeholder problems which nursing cannot solve independently.
Describe a significant nursing clinical issue, topic of interest, or practice problem that is important to you. Describe why you chose the problem/topic.
Write your clinical question in the PICO(T) format for your nursing practice problem.
*To write your clinical question in the PICO(T) format, use the NR439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples found in your required reading or access the following link:
NR439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples (Links to an external site.)
List each of your PICOT elements.
NR 439 PICOT Question Guide Line
The following contains PICOT question guides/templates to use to help write questions using all of the PICOT elements. Each template contains a guide that you can use to write a complete PICOT question, examples of PICOT elements, and illustrations . Review some tips and hints below to think about for each of the PICOT elements that can help create a sound clinical nursing PICOT question:
P=Population of patients: Think about a group of patients you are interested in studying—identify the group by age ranges, diagnosis/disease of interest, history or length of time with the diagnosis/disease of interest, location, unit, or setting, gender type (if applicable), race (if applicable), or other identifiable characteristics such as Medicare, Medicaid, immobile, ventilated, inpatient, outpatient, etc.
I=Intervention: Consider the nursing action or intervention you are thinking that would make a difference? From your search for evidence, what is the evidence indicating that nurses can do to help improve the problem or issue you have chosen?
C=Comparison: Think about comparing to the intervention of interest or the alternative such as routine/standard care. If no comparison, state not implementing the intervention or no comparison group.
O=Outcome: Reflect upon what would be the measurable, relatable indicator that would demonstrate the intervention is making a difference or not? What would be the needed outcome that you could observe/check/measure? For example, “the pain is okay” would not be a measurable outcome. Rates pain level less than 3 on pain scale would be measurable.
T=Timeframe: For this element, reflect on how long it would take to implement your study by collecting data or the time needed to observe to see if any changes occurred or will occur. Think about 1 month, 3 months, 6 months etc... Use a timeframe that is realistic.  
Template A
Among/In _________________________ (P), does______________________ (I) (**decrease/increase/impact/influence/affect/reduce/improve**) _____________________ (O) compared to ______________________________ (C) over ______________________________(T)?
(**choose one term**)
Among 65+ and older diabetic immobile adults in long-term care (P), does a bedside oral care kit and checklist protocol (I) compared to routine oral care without a bedside oral care kit (C) affect the number of times oral care is completed (O) over 3 months (T)?
P=Population of patients: 65+ and older diabetic immobile adults in long-term care
I=Intervention: bedside oral care kit and a checklist protocol
C=Comparison: routine oral care without a bedside oral care kit
O=Outcome: number of times (frequency) oral care is completed
T=Timeframe: 3 months
Share why you care about this nursing practice problem and why you believe the problem would benefit from finding the best evidence.
Please list references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Description of Clinical Issue
One of the most common nursing clinical issues is the language barrier. I believe it is important to address this issue because it affects communication between nurses and patients. In turn, it affects patient care by reducing the provision of appropriate, timely, safe, and effective care. It also weakens therapeutic relationships between healthcare providers and patients. Studies show that the language barrier can lead to more health services and more adverse events among patients (Meuter et al., 2015). This problem is associated with increased hospitalizations and greater use of emergency care (Squires, 2018). Nurses with language barriers also take more time to understand the needs of patients. I chose this problem because it is a common issue, given that many healthcare providers travel overseas to care for patients from different cultures. With foreign languages, it becomes difficult for the physician to understand the patient’s needs.
PICOT Question
Among newly hired nurses with language differences...
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