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Prostate cancer

Essay Instructions:
Explain and describe the disease · Who or what age groups are affected by this disease · Can it be prevented if so how · Statistics: costs to healthcare, loss jobs-wages, etc. · Research- new treatments, cures · How can medical assistant help those that have the disease · What are some ways you can be informed, get involved, take action
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Prostate cancer
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(December, 2012)

Prostate cancer
Prostate is an exocrine gland that is found in a male reproductive system and usually exists exactly below the bladder. The word, prostate originated from Medieval Latin prostate and the French medieval prostate. In Greek, the word prostate means one standing in front, from proistanai meaning ‘set before’. This gland was given this name because of its position; it is just below the bladder (Dasgupta & Kirby, 2012).
Prostate cancer is a kind of cancer that affects this gland; it is a malignant tumor of the prostate. Dasgupta & Kirby says this kind of cancer is the second leading cause of death among the American males. To some people, it is life threatening to others it can exist for many years without causing any problem to the individual. Not easy to treat but the best known treatment options includes: surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and observation (Dasgupta & Kirby, 2012).
According to experts (Dasgupta & Kirby), this kind of cancer starts as tiny alternation in the shape and size of the gland cells (Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia). Medilexicon medical dictionary defines Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia as, ‘dysplastic changes involving glands and ducts of the prostate that may be a precursor of adenocarcinoma; low grade (PIN 1), mild dysplasia with cell crowding, variation in nuclear size and shape, and irregular cell spacing; high grade (PIN 2 and 3), moderate to severe dysplasia with cell crowding, nucleomegaly and nucleolomegaly, and irregular cell spacing.’
Doctors say these changes mostly start to appear at 50years of age. The changes could either be rapid or slow meaning abnormal or more or less normal. Any individual found to have the rapid (high grade) is at high risk of having prostates cancer. Therefore, one is advised to have regular check-ups to monitor the progress of the changes of the cells.
No symptom of the cancer at early stages of its development. The symptoms only appear at its advanced stage; when the tumor has grown too much blocking urine at the urethra. The individual develops difficulty in starting or stopping the urine stream, increased frequency in urination, and some pain when urinating; these are the first symptom that appear. When the condition continues, it causes urine detention. At this stage, the tumor has grown and only operation can help the patient. It is good to state here that, these symptoms do not necessary reflect prostate cancer because there are other conditions have the symptoms. Hence, it is advisable to visit a physician for proper examination.
Dasgupta & Kirby are to the opinion that there is a very high connection between development of prostate cancer and increase in age. A study they did shows for every 100,000 men at the age of 40 years there is a possibility of detection (1) but at the age of 85 years the numbers goes up to 1,146. It also gives a median age for prostate cancer detection as 70 years of age. The study further says 80% of prostate cancer cases in US are diagnosed in men that are above 65 years and 90% of all American men over 90 years have at least one region of cancer in this gland (Dasgupta & Kirby, 2012).
In reference to races, the African American men have the high chances of developing the cancer than their counterparts, Caucasians (1.6% higher). Black American men also have high chances of dying of the disease than the Caucasians. The Indian Americans have the least chances of developing prostate cancer than the other two races (Dasgupta & Kirby, 2012).
Importantly, history of the family and sexually transmitted diseases plays crucial role in the development of prostate cancer. Men who have a family history of the cancer especially first degree relative have high chances of been affected. Again, it is known now that sexually transmitted infections triggers the development of the prostate cancer. Men who have been affected by one of the sexually transmitted diseases have 1.4 times greater chance of developing this cancer compared to the rest of the population (Dasgupta & Kirby, 2012)
There are links of prostate cancer development and the diet taken. The amount of energy and fat taken increases in prostate cancer development. Obesity has also been linked to the development of the aggressive cancers. Above all, it is not quite clear the kind of lifestyle changes that should be adopted to prevent prostate cancer development at the moment but scientists are busy working on establish this (Dasgupta & Kirby, 2012).
Up to date researchers have not come up with an authoritative way of preventing prostate cancer. However, health practitioners do recommend men who have high risks of prostate cancer to adapt better choices that benefit their overall health in order to minimize its development chances says National Cancer Institute (U.S.). (2000). Some of the ways recommended includes having a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, having exercise routines every day, and consulting a doctor about the level ...
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