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Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm

1) Read Chapman, chaps. 1 and 3, and Web sites associated with the Healing Hospital paradigm (some are listed above, but you may search for others), considering as you read how this paradigm might influence your philosophy of caregiving.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Describe the components of a Healing Hospital and their relationship to spirituality.


(3) What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers and complexities of the hospital environment?

(4) Include at least (1) biblical passage or parable that you believe supports the concept of a Healing Hospital and provide rationale for your selection.

(5) Use standard essay format in APA style, including an introduction, a conclusion, and a title page. An abstract is not required. Cite in-text and in the References section. Provide a minimum of three appropriate and scholarly sources for your paper. Remember that Wikipedia is not considered a scholarly source.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(6)Please use the following references:

1) Textbooks:

a) Chapman, part 1, chaps. 1 and 3

b) O'Brien, chaps. 1 and 2

2) Electronic Resources:

a) Baptist Healing Trust. (n.d.). Our mission. http://www(dot)baptisthealingtrust(dot)org/about-us/who-we-are

b) Baptist Healing Trust. (n.d.). Radical loving care. http://www(dot)baptisthealingtrust(dot)org/programs/compassionate-care-initiative

c) The Joint Commission. (n.d.). Home care—Fast track. http://jointcommission(dot)org/accreditationprograms/homecare/

d) The Joint Commission. (2009). Standards frequently asked questions—Comprehensive accreditation manual for hospitals (CAMH). http://www(dot)jointcommission(dot)org/AccreditationPrograms/Hospitals/Standards/09_FAQs/default.htm

4) Web Sites:

a) Bible Gateway. http://www(dot)biblegateway(dot)com

(6)References should be in 5th edition APA format

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Components of a Healing Hospital and its Connection to Spirituality
(Student’s name)
(date) Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm
The healing tradition of most of our hospitals today carries a desensitizing aura which neglects the needs of patients for a genuine love and care in their healing process. Often, traditional hospitals focus on the physical and biological health of an individual. This perspective restrains and makes them act as purely medical workers and not fundamentally as healers. Today, a new paradigm is being introduced to promote a hospital environment in which the principles of spiritual healing methods are integrated with the medical practices conducted by the members of the hospital organization. The introduction of healing hospitals (Chapman, 2003) offers an alternative method of healing patients in a more humane and morally pleasurable way.
The mainstream practice of hospitals can be viewed in relation to the scientism which was pioneered during the Enlightenment period (Stenmark, 2001). The trend of the overweening power of science in the modern era affects many aspects of society in restructuring its educational, political, and economic systems. In many fields of study, objectivism became a judging tool for a study’s tryuth and validity.. More so, as observed, medical practices are affected by this trend as processes in hospitals need to be more systematic and nearly bureaucratic. Healing methods of such kind attend selectively to patients' medical needs (typically through the use of drugs and surgeries) which virtually view them as mere bodies which need to take chemicals and a little help to “repair” its physical damage and work normally again.
The problems springing from such form of healing which focuses primarily on the physical aspect of the human health reiterate the issues bound on the mind-body dichotomy, a question of the relation of the physical to the mental or 'spiritual' well-being of a person. This notion was introduced in the academic world by the ancient Greek philosophers, particularly Plato, who posted the problem in relation to epistemological issues of the real sources of knowledge or of the so-called 'Truth'. In the medieval times, the question was restated by Saint Thomas Aquinas (Aquinas in Copleston, 1955) in his related theory of form and cognition then afterward by Descartes during the modern period in his theory of ideas (Descartes, 1996). Today, the mind-body problem is still being problematized by scholars and practitioners from different fields of expertise. In some medical schools, researches and studies about the relation of the spiritual or psychological condition of the patients to their healing process are already debated upon. This mind-body dichotomy is very much related to the grounds of these researches which emphasize the 'mind' or the spiritual part of the argument. The foundation of these accounts may become the basis of the so-called 'faith-healing' and other related psychological and spiritual forms of healing methods.
Most of the known healing hospitals provide an environment which is not only carefully structured for a more healing atmosphere but is also a place directed and spirited by religion. In the most countries, Christianity guides these healing environments as the belief preaches the relationship between faith and health. Christians based this assumption from the bible in which many passages affirm the belief. An example of the passages in the Christian bible is stated as God delivers this message: “... If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). Moreover, in other parts of the world, other religions also have their own healing activities. The common denominator among these religions nevertheless is the use of faith and spiritual upbringing in healing. This method of healing is not yet fully accepted by the many because of the skeptical pattern of thinking in our societies. The foundation of this form of healing is not objective as compared to the mainstream scientific procedures. Since faith-healing is based primarily on metaphysical things that can be regarded as mere belief, some tend to deny its possibilities and capabilities to heal people. However, through the advent of particular groups and intellectuals from both the academic and religious grounds, some aspects of faith-healing are now shaped to integrate it with the healing structures of the hospitals.
The Needs of the Patient
Advances in biotechnology help medical experts develop new form of medications which are to be marketed and distributed in the hospitals. The presence of biochemicals and other medical instruments are abundant in many hospitals though not all patients undergoing these medications are healed. For most patients, they believe that all they need is physical healing in order to eliminate their illness. For some, especially for those who have chronic illness, physical healing is not enough as they remain feeling unhealthy even after a series of surgeries and medication. There may be a lot of reasons why some are cured faster than others, or why some takes a longer time in order to treat their ailments.
In the hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1968), physiological health and necessities are deemed as the basic of all requirements by an individual. The highest in the pyramid is self-actualization in which personal and social acceptance is needed. In the hierarchy, love, care and belongingness with others are significant components of happiness which explains why there are some people who stay unhappy even if they are physically healthy and economically wealthy. This supports the idea of the need of individuals for a holistic health; that is, physically, psychologically or emotionally, and socially. In the case of the patient, the above statements imply that one does not only need surgeries or chemical in-takes in order to heal, but also care and affection ...
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