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Dental Public Health Community Programs and Policies

Essay Instructions:

Individually, please write a reflection of how this assignment has covered the course learning outcomes and submit it on Blackboard by the start of class. This section should be typed, follow APA guidelines, be 1-2 pages in length not including the cover page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, and size 12 font. Your reflection should include:


CLOS: Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

1. Identify the need for community-based oral health programs to improve access to care.

2. Construct a community-based lesson plan determined by the needs assessment.

3. Justify the value of dental public health goals and objectives in historical, national, and global capacities.


  • An introductory paragraph that describes the signature assignment of your community oral health project. 
    • How does what you learned throughout the course connect to the learning outcomes in this course. Please connect to at least 2 of the CLOs mentioned in this syllabus.

- Throughout this course of dental public health I’ve learned how to Constructively meet a community’s dental needs by determining what the lesson plan is appropriate for them.

- I have learned how to find what the community needs based off their access to care. It is important to know what the community has access to in order to find what plan is good for them.

- Dental public health is a way to prevent and control the disease in the community. Also, it is vital to promote good dental health throughout the  



  • Describe the gains over the term you have made in achieving the CLOs.

- At the beginning I was not sure how to determine a lesson plan based on a community’s needs. I didn’t understand how we would be able to find out what the community really needs. However, I have gained knowledge on finding the right assessment to identify the public health needs.

  • A paragraph or more that discusses your learning throughout this course. 
    • Describe what it felt like at different stages until you mastered certain skills associated with this signature assignment

- This class at first seemed like a straight forward class however it is more complicated then it looks. There is a lot of steps it takes in order to meet a public/ communitys needs. I had to repeat all the steps and do a lot of activities in order to learned and master the certain skills asscoaited with this signature assignment. My signature assginemnt was on meeting the needs and education the community of no limits learning center. This learning center is a center for disabelled adults who have a learning ability of a 3rd grader. In order to monitor and find out how to educated these adult and give them the right needs took a lot of time and research.

  • How did you address/troubleshoot them? What learning and skills have you obtained from this signature assignment and how will you apply this to your practice as a dental hygienist?

- This signature assignment helped me learn the necessary steps in. order to help any type of community. This steps are important and vital in order to make sure the public/community get the needs they need.

  • Discuss the skills you are still developing related to this signature assignment and your plan to continue your learning to ensure you remain knowledgeable and competent.

- You can just make something up for this.

  • A final paragraph that discusses a connection between what you studied in this course with what you have learned in other courses. 
    • Make specific references to your work in this class and in the other courses. How did what you learn in the other courses enhance what you learned here and vice versa?

- This class is related to my clinic class because we are helping patients mostly in the Anaheim community. In order to meet their needs properly we need to evaluate what they have access to and what demographic need more attention and so on.

  • Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed?

- Yes they way I viewed public health has changed in a major way.

- You can just add more.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dental Public Health Reflection
Course Number and Name
Tutor’s Name
Dental public health is a critical part of dentistry which typically offers the expertise and leadership in population-based dentistry, community-based disease prevention and health promotion, policy development, and maintenance of a dental safety net. In the US, dental public health infrastructure entails a widely disseminated network of private and public organizations, individuals, dentists, and non-dentists, all committed to enhancing oral health through organized community programs and policies. Community needs diverse needs ranging from preventative care to offering dental restorative procedures to pain elimination and correcting dentofacial esthetics. All these community needs set the basis for providing the best dental public health possible. Dental public health is a way to prevent and control the disease in the community and remains in promoting dental health throughout the community.
Gains over the term you have made in achieving the CLOs.
My major gain over the term is the realization that dental public health offers massive gains to the community. With its focus entirely on the larger population, the initiatives advanced are non-clinical and often focuses on health promotion at the community level and not at the individual level (Broomhead & Baker, 2019). As such, setting a lesson plan based on community needs therefore looks at wider aspects such as fluoridation of water in the community, public awareness, among others. through this course, therefore, I have gained knowledge on finding the right assessment to identify the public health needs.
Learning throughout this course was not easy but the was manageable and highly beneficial in many aspects. There is a lot of steps it takes in order to meet a public/ community needs. I had to repeat all the steps and do a lot of activities in order to learned and master the certain skills associated with this signature assignment. My signature assignment was on meeting the needs and education the community of no limits learning center which is a learning center for disabled adults who ...
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