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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Dental Hygiene Pain Management: Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

I will attach a template with the directions for this reflection paper. I also will attach the signature assingment that i. have perviously done so you can look off that if you need to. I have written in red what you should include in eac paragraph and obiously add more when needed.

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Dental Hygiene Pain Management
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Dental Hygiene Pain Management
The signature assignment was to be done in groups. The requirement was that we had to make a presentation about a patient. We were expected to gather information about the patient and decide the types of injections they needed to withstand the ensuing procedure. Our patient was classified as ASA III, and he also had substance abuse issues. These specifics are quite crucial, and as a group, we had to figure out the types of injections that fit with the patient’s history. In the end, the group agreed to give the patient 4% Articaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine since it is metabolized 90-95% by plasma cholinesterase, minimal by the liver. Our group deemed this sufficient or anesthesia to the patient. We settled on articaine because we knew it would limit the amount of work the liver has to do because we were unsure of any damage from the aforementioned substance abuse. Also, it was the shortest half-life in case of adverse reactions. It was unanimously agreed that nitrous oxide could not be used because substance abuse is a relative contraindication. With regard to the Course Learning Outcomes or CLOs, one thing that stood out for me was that focus has to remain on the patient. As healthcare professionals, we must give ourselves to our work and ensure comfortable and safe patient care. While addressing our patient, we had to do everything we could to ensure our diagnosis is correct to ensure the patient’s safety. Also, one gets to understand the difference between local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and oxygen sedation and when either is needed. Looking back, I believe I have made great gains and understood the principles of pain management in correlation with dental hygiene. The signature assignment has given me confidence in dealing with patients and focusi...
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