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Defining Transformational Leadership and Its Characteristics

Essay Instructions:

Define transformational leadership and its characteristics.

Discuss why transformational leadership and forming the right teams are important in developing a culture that embraces continuous quality improvement and excellence.

Explore how healthcare professionals in leadership are the driving force in creating a culture of excellence. Describe how transformational leaders create a culture in which the employees at all levels thrive in a healthy work environment where the residents/ patients and families come first.

Transformational leaders create a vision for the future and guide our employees where they need to be to meet the demands of a changing health care landscape, thus creating exemplary experiences and a higher level of satisfaction for healthcare employees and our patients.


Minimum of 6 pages (including cover page), 12-font, APA format

Minimum of 5 current references

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HSC 350 week 8
Creating conducive work environments that improve patient safety and treatment outcome requires significant adjustments throughout healthcare facilities. These adjustments require competent leadership to change the physical surroundings and the practices, beliefs, and values of healthcare professionals attending to patients in that surrounding. Transformational leadership, which appreciates the engagement between managers and employees, has been identified to develop a culture that bridges the gap between managers and employees. Even in dire situations, transformational leadership has been recognized to motivate healthcare professionals and encourage them to focus on patients' problems. This paper examines the importance of transformational leadership and the establishment of the right groups to create a culture that advances quality improvement while enabling employees to thrive. This paper also explores the crucial role of healthcare employees in leadership in developing a culture of excellence.
Define transformational leadership and its characteristics. 
Growth and change cannot be evaded in an organization. Over the past few years, researchers have focused on transformational leaders as one of the most effective leadership forms in private and public organizations. This because this leadership model encourages and motivates employers to take part in moulding a successful future for an organization. Transformational leaders work closely with workers to bring change. Transformational leaders create a vision used to guide employees throughout the change process (Giddens, 2018). Transformational leaders inspire employees to embrace change by fostering ownership and accountability in a company. Transformational leadership involves creating an official mission and vision statements and developing groups that share a common purpose.
A vision statement defines where leaders want a company to be in the future (Giddens, 2018). On the other hand, the mission defines the reasons for an organization's existence and purpose. Transformational leadership can be recommended to stagnant organizations. This model of leaders would work by redefining the core values of a company that unites the groups' efforts. Ideally, transformational leadership aims at inspiring employees to focus on the greater good and function as a single unit with the same goal (Giddens, 2018). Transformation can only occur if leaders can accomplish these steps.
The following are some of the characteristics of transformational leadership.
Transformational leaders are motivated internally and use their motivation to direct followers towards the right path (Giddens, 2018). These leaders love what and value those they lead in an organization.
Inspiring employees is essential and transformational leaders are the most inspiring. These leaders can motivate and inspire others. They concentrate on making employees feel valued (Fischer, 2016). These leaders are not limited to formal acknowledges. Rather, they take the time to understand the needs and thing that inspire employees.
Transformational leaders lead with vision.
Transformational leaders are risk-takers and play an active role in developing an organization. These leaders also set achievable and realistic vision and mission for companies (Giddens, 2018). Additionally, these leaders also communicate with their employees about the vision and get them involved.
Encourage new ideas
If leaders are not open to new ideas, then transformation can't occur in an organization. Transformational leaders understand that the entire growth of an organization depends on employees (Fischer, 2016). These leaders make efforts to accommodate new ideas from the employees and use them to make decisions.
Discuss why transformational leadership and forming the right teams are important in developing a culture that embraces continuous quality improvement and excellence. 
The main principle of transformational leadership is that, despite the different interests that individuals in an organization embrace, they all pursue higher goals (Giddens, 2018). In healthcare organizations, nurses, physicians, the IT staff, and security teams perform different roles, yet all those roles aim to improve patients' safety and con...
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