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Definition of the Problem (CLABSI)

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Definition of the Problem (CLABSI)
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Definition of the Problem (CLABSI)
A central line bloodstream infection happens when germs or bacteria (usually bacteria and viruses) access the mainline of a patient, which then goes into their bloodstream. A central line is a catheter placed in a patients’ large vein, including chest, groin, arms, or neck. The central line is majorly used to draw blood and administer fluids and medication to critically ill patients (Krein et al., 2019). Health care professionals may leave the central line in place for a while. It may include weeks or months, depending on the circumstances. It is also associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and high costs. Central lines also lead to significant veins that may be close to the heart. Because they and can remain in place for a while, it may cause acute infections. The central lines are primarily applied in intensive care units. The pathogens which cause CLABSI are grouped into gram-positive organisms and gram-negative organisms. Most of these infections can be prevented by correctly inserting the central line's cleaning and care practices.
Health care professionals should use strict infection management processes every time the central line is checked. Patients with CLABSI mostly display symptoms such as soreness around central lines and red skin. I propose that all healthcare workers follow the central line's preferred insertion to avoid infection. I recommend that healthcare workers carry out activities that include maintaining hand hygiene, using the necessary skin antiseptic, and ensuring that skin preparation agents are dry before inserting the centerline. Patients can be protected from the infection by speaking up about any healthcare concerns among personnel and the hospital in general. Medical workers should focus on the bandage and the area around it to check whether it is wet or dirty. If the areas around the central line are red or sore, or if the patient has fever or chills, health care workers should pay great attention (Moss et al., 2020). Visitors and the patient should never be allowed to touch the central line. Some sterile precautions include sterile gloves, sterile gowns, caps, masks, and large sterile drapes. Health care professionals should ensure that the mainline is sanitary.
The application of chlorhexidine preparations for the skin to cleanse the skin before insertion is highly recommended. According to Krein et al. (2019), proper guidance should be given by an experienced operator of ultrasounds to foresee mechanical complications and reducing the number of attempts. The local susceptibility patterns should guide the choice of antibiotics for gram-negative organisms. Pseudomonas infection risks should also direct it. Where there is reduced risk, a third-generation cephalosporin such as ceftriaxone is applied. For patients with high risk for resistant organisms, or critically ill patients, a beta-lactam and an aminoglycoside combination are appropriate. Echinocandins are the best agents for implied candidemia or if azole resistance is identified. In the setting of femoral catheterization, antifungal therapy should be considered and also in prolonged broad-spectrum antibiotics administration, solid organ or bone marrow transplant recipients, or hematology malignancy.
In intensive care units, central line-associated infections are prevalent problems. These infections cause an average of 41,000 deaths in the United States (Moss et al., 2020). The finances associated amount to two billion dollars annually. It is only through the best ethical practices can these figures be reduced. Relevant authorities should introduce Practices, protocols, and checklists in healthcare facilities to counter these figures. Some medical practitioners remove the central line when they suspect infection or abnormality. It causes extra hospital stays and may increase the complication rates or related procedures rates and complication rates. Complications could cause many healthcare facilities financial and legal implications...
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