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Deathography Submission

Essay Instructions:

As a result of experiences with loss and grief, each of us develops our own unique style of dealing with these issues. Understanding your attitudes, values, assumptions, beliefs, reactions, and unfinished business (if any) is an important task of self-awareness. The goal of this assignment is to facilitate your reflection about how these issues present themselves and relate to your personal coping style as well as your interactions with others coping with loss and grief.

Part 1: Construct a time line which represents the loss events in your life, including non-death related losses such as loss of dreams, loss of job, loss of home, etc. You can begin by making a list of items, starting with your earliest memory and working through to the current day. Some people prefer a line with bullet points along the way, while others will use a chart. You can decide the way you'd like to represent your time line.

Part 2: Using the information you've identified in your loss history graph, discuss the impact of these events upon the following:

Your interest in issues of grief and loss as well as personal goals for this course;

Your personal style of dealing with loss i.e. how has your upbringing, culture, religion, ethnicity influenced your coping style And how do you cope with issues of death and non-death loss in your life?

Your comfort levels in dealing with different issues of grief, and different kinds of loss with others i.e. are there specific kinds of losses that you feel will be particularly challenging to work with?; do you have experience with specific groups of people or specific illness or events that have proven to be difficult in the past?; do you have any value-oriented or ethical conflicts with certain issues, people, events?

Your thoughts on stages of grief and types of losses individuals and their families may experience.

Deathography Grading Rubric

Possible Grade

Student Grade

Part 1: Timeline is completed fully and represents the loss events in your life. Timeline is organized and easy to read


Part 2: The impact of loss events listed in the timeline is discussed in detail. The student answered all reflection questions listed in Part 2 of the assignment.


Paper was well organized and easy to follow. Few to no spelling, grammar, punctuation or other writing structure errors




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Loss and grief are part of every human being. However, how an individual perceives and deals with pain depends on what he/she believes will deliver the best solutions. The following are some of my losses and griefs over the years:

Year of Occurrence

Loss of health


Loss of financial stability


Losing a friend


Losing a pet


The last decade was a defining moment for my development as an adult. I experienced challenges that were difficult to bear. Some of such challenges included losing a close friend to a road accident, a situation that marked my first near-death experience. I also lost my pet Jay, who had been ailing for close to a year before his demise in July 2010. While Jay had taken long in its death bed, I still wished that it did not happen because it was the closest thing I had in the form of friendship at the time. It took me a year to meet Joe at one of the social joints in the community. Joe looked like a reserved fellow. However, he was showed the need to share with me right from the first moment we met. In our first meeting, we exchanged pleasantries like normal individuals. I would later meet Joe at the local grocery store, and our friendship struck immediately. Joe became the only person I would share every element of my life without feeling like I should hide anything. In 2013, Joe was involved in a road accident that claimed his life. I was in the car and watched him gasping for his last breath. It was painful watching Joe die, something that still haunts me to date. The other experiences of grief that I have faced since include losing my finances due to a gambling addiction and having to fight depression for a year. All the above experiences instilled the belief that I was strong and bore the ability to adapt to any situation that I faced, no matter how challenging.
Impacts of the Events
Personal Goals and Interest in Grief and Loss
I have developed an interest in this course bearing its relevance to my personal life. Right from the beginning, I have developed a belief that this course speaks to my experiences. As such, I take every opportunity to learn new things. As I develop new knowledge in various aspects of life, I become more accustomed to my grief life. Throughout this course, I have developed an understanding that every individual is undergoing some aspect of suffering. How people perceive and react to their losses and grief is important in the long run. I know that more challenges are poised to face me in the future. I believe that this course will accord me a platform to face any challenge, no matter how devastating.
Personal Style of Dealing with Loss
Every person has a unique way of dealing with losses. Personally, my style of dealing with losses changes depending on how important the loss is for me. My preferred style of dealing with losses is bottling the pain. I have grown in an environment in which I have witnessed people in pain. One of the lessons I have learned through such experiences is that people do not feel pain in the s...
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