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Death and Dying: End of Life Decisions

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Case Study on Death and Dying


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The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.

Based on "Case Study: End of Life Decisions," the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic Resources you will complete an ethical analysis of George's situation and his decision from the perspective of the Christian worldview.

Provide a 1,500-2,000-word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:

How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?

How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?

As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?

What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?

Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?

Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George's situation?

Remember to support your responses with the topic Resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Case Study: End of Life Decisions

George is a successful attorney in his mid-fifties. He is also a legal scholar, holding a teaching post at the local university law school in Oregon. George is also actively involved in his teenage son’s basketball league, coaching regularly for their team. Recently, George has experienced muscle weakness and unresponsive muscle coordination. He was forced to seek medical attention after he fell and injured his hip. After an examination at the local hospital following his fall, the attending physician suspected that George may be showing early symptoms for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative disease affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The week following the initial examination, further testing revealed a positive diagnosis of ALS. ALS is progressive and gradually causes motor neuron deterioration and muscle atrophy to the point of complete muscle control loss. There is currently no cure for ALS, and the median life expectancy is between 3 and 4 years, though it is not uncommon for some to live 10 or more years. The progressive muscle atrophy and deterioration of motor neurons leads to the loss of the ability to speak, move, eat, and breathe. However, sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell are not affected. Patients will be wheelchair bound and eventually need permanent ventilator support to assist with breathing. George and his family are devastated by the diagnosis. George knows that treatment options only attempt to slow down the degeneration, but the symptoms will eventually come. He will eventually be wheelchair bound and be unable to move, eat, speak, or even breathe on his own. In contemplating his future life with ALS, George begins to dread the prospect of losing his mobility and even speech. He imagines his life in complete dependence upon others for basic everyday functions and perceives the possibility of eventually degenerating to the point at which he is a prisoner in his own body. Would he be willing to undergo such torture, such loss of his own dignity and power? George thus begins inquiring about the possibility of voluntary euthanasia

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Case Study on Death and Dying
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Having been diagnosed with ALS, George may have difficulty coming to terms with the eventual loss of muscle function. In light of the Christian narrative on the fallenness of the world, George could interpret his suffering as a result of living in an imperfect world where pain and suffering are normal. In light of the Christian narrative on the resurrection, George may gain hope in knowing that even death does not signify the end of life. In addition, he may also be encouraged by knowing that although his body deteriorates, he will receive a perfect one during the resurrection of the dead. Further, according to the Christian worldview, George should see his life as one with inherent and unending value. Not even suffering or disease takes away the image of God from George’s life.
The Christian worldview advocates for the preservation of life. Therefore, the choice of induced death is not morally justified for a Christian. Some morally justified options for Christians include opting for hospice care or getting palliative care services from a hospital (Sabriseilabi& Williams, 2022). If I were in George’s situation, I would seek the help of medical personnel in deciding on the best course of the medical journey. However, since I am a Christian, euthanasia would not be an option.
How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?
The theological principles surrounding the fallenness of the world suggest that sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. The repercussions of the sin were the introduction of suffering and death due to the consequent separation of humanity from God (Sabriseilabi& Williams 2022). Therefore, the fall of man in the garden of Eden introduced the nature of suffering to humankind. This nature has been present since the fall of man and persists even in the modern day.
Considering the observations made above, George may interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative concerning the fall of the world. He may view his situation as a resultant effect of living in a world where suffering, disease, pain, and death are common phenomena. Due to the fallenness of the world, no person is immune from these things. Therefore, George may interpret his suffering in this line of thought.
In addition, George may also choose to use the concept of the fallenness of the world to find hope in his suffering. The Bible records that due to the fallenness of the world and the resultant sin, God sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem and restore people to God. Therefore, although there is pain in the world, George could choose to view God's overall plan to restore all things to him and grant eternal life to those who have faith in him. With this view, George may interpret his suffering as temporary pain in the context of a greater plan that God is working on in his life. While it is not as easy as it sounds, Christians should be encouraged even in suffering, for they know that all things work together for good for those in Christ Jesus.
How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?
Christians believe that death is not the end of life. Instead, it marks the beginning of another eternal life devoid of suffering for those who believe in God. In his condition, George should be encouraged that even though his life may face an imminent end in the near future, it would not be the end of his existence. Instead, a departure from the earth will mark the beginning of another life with the lord God where perfection will be the order of the day.
The holy scriptures indicate that God loved the world so much that he sent his only son to die for us. Jesus became the final sacrifice so that every person who believes in him shall have eternal life. Further, the Christian doctrine indicates that at some point, all people who died in faith will be resurrected and granted perfect bodies (Sabriseilabi& Williams 2022). Therefore, George may find hope in knowing that although his body is currently affected by ALS, it will be made perfect during the resurrection. George may also use his suffering to come closer to God and find solace in him. This move will not only help him to remain calm but also reassure him of the hope that is to come through the resurrection.
As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral s...
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