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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Database Search on Diabetes Mellitus Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Choose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or healthy fitness activity. (So I chose the topic Diabetes mellitus)

Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar.

CINAHL and Google Scholar

PubMed and Google Scholar

next step is

Explain how you were able to narrow down the number of article hits you had initially and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why?

the last step includes

How will using a database search facilitate your:

scholarly work;

nursing work (evidence-based practice); and

personal self-development?

please give the answer to all 3 above questions.

I need at least 3 references to be used for this paper

below is the information my professor just uploaded for a better understanding of the assignment

Two of the most widely used databases in nursing are CINAHL and PubMed. Be sure that you are using one of these two databases in your search.

You will likely find thousands of sources during your search. Another important critical skill of a nurse is to identify which sources are credible. Be sure to discuss how you narrowed down your search and why you chose the article that you did. As you summarize your article, remember that we are not reading it along with you. This means you should give us enough detail to ensure that we understand what the article was about.

The final step for this week involves reflection. As you look back at your search, tell me which database you preferred and why. How do you think this database search will help you moving forward in your scholarly work, nursing work, and professional development?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Database Search on Diabetes Mellitus
Database Search on Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that has grown in popularity over the years because of the heightened prevalence. As a result, the topic has become an interesting one in the field of medicine and research. Diabetes mellitus is a disease, a term that an average adult has to come across in one way or another (Jenssen & Hartmann, 2019). Through the news, one gets to hear about how the disease has claimed many lives or even through reading articles related to medicine online. Either way, it is easy to come across the term diabetes mellitus in the course of one's life. Therefore, I chose it since many people can relate easily relate to it. I often tend to like using PubMed and Google Scholar to conduct my search on topics related to medicine and health sciences. PubMed is a search engine that offers success to the primary MEDLINE database for medicine and health sciences students (Fiorini et al. 2018). On the other, Google Scholar is a web search engine that provides access to a broad array of full texts and metadata across a broad array of disciplines. The engine also features peer-reviewed articles and important books in the medical field.
When I entered my search word on PubMed, the engine generated about 513,000 results. I did not bother to go past the first page of the search results because I had gotten the articles I would use for the first-page research. The site gave me a chance to manipulate and filter the search criteria in the manner I wished. For instance, I was able to filter sources by date, article type, and a broad array of other additional features. I was most interested in the article date, where I chose articles published later than in 2010 as they have updated information. I also checked the full-text box so I wou...
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