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Data, Knowledge, Information and Wisdom Continuum

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Application:
Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum
Have you ever gone online to search for a journal article on a specific topic? It is amazing to see the large number of journals that are available in the health care field. When you view the library in its entirety, you are viewing untapped data. Until you actually research for your particular topic, there is little structure. Once you have narrowed it down, you have information and once you apply the information, you have knowledge. Eventually, after thoughtful research and diligent practice, you reach the level of wisdom—knowledge applied in meaningful ways.
Are there areas in your practice that you believe should be more fully explored? The central aims of nursing informatics are to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. This continuum represents the overarching structure of nursing informatics. In this Assignment, you develop a research question relevant to your practice area and relate how you would work through the progression from data to information, knowledge, and wisdom.
To prepare:
Review the information in Figure 6–2 in Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge.
Develop a clinical question related to your area of practice that you would like to explore.
Consider what you currently know about this topic. What additional information would you need to answer the question?
Using the continuum of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, determine how you would go about researching your question.
Explore the available databases in the Walden Library. Identify which of these databases you would use to find the information or data you need.
Once you have identified useful databases, how would you go about finding the most relevant articles and information?
Consider how you would extract the relevant information from the articles.
How would you take the information and organize it in a way that was useful? How could you take the step from simply having useful knowledge to gaining wisdom?
By Day 7 of Week 4
Write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following:
Summarize the question you developed, and then relate how you would work through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum. 
Be specific.
Identify the databases and search words you would use.
Relate how you would take the information gleaned and turn it into useable knowledge.
Can informatics be used to gain wisdom? Describe how you would progress from simply having useful knowledge to the wisdom to make decisions about the information you have found during your database search.
Your paper must also include a title page, an introduction, a summary, and a reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data, Knowledge, Information and Wisdom Continuum
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Data, Knowledge, Information and Wisdom Continuum
To assign a meaning to the complex health, medicine, and nursing work, we use terms like data, information as well as knowledge. Similarly, in the information technology field, the same terms are utilized in attaching meaning to and directing the course of the organizational knowledge (Ronquillo, Currie, & Rodney, 2016). The data/information/knowledge/wisdom continuum concept is the process by which data is transformed into wisdom using definite cognitive processes. These processes support the nursing and health care practice in general.
Ronquillo, Currie, and Rodney (2016) discussed this concept and the manner in which nurses are accountable in this DIKW specialty which is growing very fast. They further discussed how nurses are responsible in providing the top evidence-based care guidance possible. They also underlined that nurses are expected to realize information by transforming the available data and apply the same knowledge in a wise manner (with wisdom) to deal with unique needs of their patients. Thus, this paper aims at displaying the progression through which the four DIKW Continuum steps occurs using research information in answering an acute care nursing setting-related clinical question.
eMAR in Acute Health Care
Electronic Medication Administration (eMAR) implementation is the result of the measurable advancements in data management in the U.S. care setting today. The introduction of computerized order entry, electronic health records, and decision support systems led to the reduction in documentation as well as transcription errors. This paper’s research question: has the eMAR implementation improved the medication administration safety in a hospital setting? The technology is now in place within the country’s care setting and it is helping a lot.
According to Orser, David, and Cohen (2016), medication errors are not rare hospitals and serious ones are attributed to the medicine administration or transcription. However, to prevent this kind of errors, barcodes have been introduced by verification technology into the electronic medication-administration system. This type of verification technology that uses barcodes within the health care setting is known as the bar code medication administration (BCMA). Data is thus defined as as symbols representing objects, events as well as environment properties. Data are observation products, and serve no purpose without the observability properties which are defined usability (Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvements, 2010). For instance, the databases used in this study queried using search terms like eMAR, medication administration, transaction, and safety and bar code verification.
The search on the CINHAL/Medline databases generated four complete articles related to this topic. Similarly, the PUBMED database generated other four sources, of which only one was a text article freely available and three were abstract sources. However, only two of the sources were successfully retrieved from the Goo...
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