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Culture and Continuous Improvement

Essay Instructions:

Culture is a major aspect of healthcare in many different areas and its influence on healthcare is vast. As a healthcare professional, creating a culture of continuous improvement would be vital, due to the fact that improvement and transformation is a large part of the healthcare professional role.

Case Assignment

Review the following study:

Lam, M., & Robertson, D. (2012). Organizational culture, tenure, and willingness to participate in continuous improvement projects in healthcare. The Quality Management Journal, 19(3), 7-15. Retrieved from Trident Online Library

Also review the associated culture topic required readings in the background materials by Andrabi, I. (2012); Brewton, J. (2016); Chattergoon, S., Darling, S., Devitt, R., & Klassen, W. (2014); Clark, D. M., Silvester, K., & Knowles, S. (2013); & Lam, M., & Robertson, D. (2012).

For this assignment you are to write a 5 page essay including/identifying the following information:

Detailed explanation of organizational culture

Detailed explanation of continuous improvement in healthcare

Identification and explanation of 2-3 organizational culture influences/impacts on continuous improvement

Identification and explanation of 2-3 cultural elements to include in a continuous improvement program in healthcare

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your report.

Limit your response to 5 pages (title and reference page do not count).

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, with 3 or 4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Culture and Continous Improvement
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Culture and Continous Improvement
Every organization that aspires to succeed has to have a strong organizational culture. The ability to uphold a strong organizational culture allows an organization to attain its goals and builds a strong relationship among the key stakeholders. It also leads to efficiency in delivering service and enables the company to gain a competitive advantage. Alongside the broad concept of organizational culture is a dire need for an organization to instill a culture where the employees are hungry to seek opportunities to improve on a personal level and at the organizational level. Healthcare organizations often strive to improve their efficiency and maximize patient satisfaction, which can be attained by implementing a culture of continuous improvement. The impact that organizational culture has on continuous improvement in the healthcare domain is tremendous, and the repercussion of failing to implement to continuous improvement culture can be catastrophic.
Organizational Culture
Culture is a broad term that can define the different attributes and values associated with a particular set of persons. Behaviors that a specified group of people is accustomed to are what constitutes culture. On the other hand, organizational culture encompasses the organizations' leadership style, internal and external communication models, and the reward systems within an organization. The different aspects of organizational culture inform how an organization ought to be run and the key stakeholders' responsibilities, hence bringing out the traits that help differentiate a company from the rest (Warrick, 2017). Successful leaders are the ones who can align the organizations' strategies and objectives with the organization's culture (Warrick, 2017). The ability to instill a culture and build a lasting reputation has become a core skill of anyone aspiring to be in a leadership position.
Culture for healthcare organizations manifests in a rather peculiar manner than other industries due to the varied professionalisms and hierarchies necessary for diversified service delivery. Consequently, healthcare organizations exhibit a multifaceted organizational culture where different groups possess different values and attributes, sometimes leading to a culture clash (Mannion & Davies, 2018). There is a need for a skillful blending of the divergent cultures for a health institution to attain the overall objective of quality of service and collaboration. Nonetheless, besides the complex nature of healthcare organizational culture, effective leadership remains a vital requirement in developing a sustainable culture in a healthcare setting. Furthermore, as Mannion and Davis (2018) noted, culture and healthcare performance are perceived to be mutually inclusive, meaning the building of the right values and norms is extremely important.
Continuous Improvement in Healthcare
An important goal of a healthcare organization is to improve the quality of service while lowering service delivery costs. Quality in this regard denotes that the service is in agreement with the set standards or the expectations. Every organization that offers services never ceases to put an additional effort to improve quality, an act that can be generally termed as continuous improvement (Mannion & Davies, 2018). From a healthcare perspective, continuous improvements refer to all the activities and processes that seek to eliminate the inefficiencies and errors using data-driven methodologies to improve the quality of service and enhance patients' safety (Chattergoon et al., 2014). Ever since the realization of patient safety and the need for continuous improvements, organizations in the healthcare industry have adopted different management frameworks to conform to the needs. Total Quality Management (TQM) pioneered continuous improvement management strategies, focusing mainly on the manufacturing sector (Lam & Robertson, 2012). Features typical of TQM, such as teamwork, customer-centeredness, and maximum employee involvement, allows for customization and incorporation into other sectors such as healthcare. Lean management systems, Six Sigma, and Zero Defects are emerging continuous improvement frameworks applicable in the healthcare industry. Implementation of these tools and many others can help healthcare organizations improve quality and attain better health outcomes.
Impact of Organizational Culture on Continous Improvement
Exemplary leadership is an outstanding organizational culture element and has subsequent influences on ...
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