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Cultural Self-Assessment Using the Purnell Model

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a cultural self-assessment.

1. You will read each of the boxes in Chapter 2 of your textbook (one for each domain of the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence), answer these questions as they relate to you.

2. Remember to answer these questions from your personal perspective. At all times, explain why you do or do not adhere to the dominant cultural practices and beliefs of the ethnic group(s) with which you primarily identify.

3.If you do not wish to self-disclose a specific area from the Organizing Framework, indicate so instead of just not addressing it; of course, this should not happen very often.

Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)

Submission Instructions:

-The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

-The paper is to be no shorter than 3 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

-Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Date Submitted:
Cultural Self-Assessment Using the Purnell Model
Overview, Inhabited Localities, and Topography
How strongly do you believe in the value of education? Who in your life is responsible for instilling this value? Do you consider yourself to be a more linear/sequential learner or a random-patterned learner?
I have adapted the beliefs and regard of both my parents towards education because I believe that there are many opportunities available for people who pursue learning. This does not only apply to degrees from prestigious universities but to learning and education as a whole. I can say that I am a linear learner because I like things in order, which I have learned from my parents. I have adhered to these because I believe that it is the right thing to do, which will benefit me in the long run.
What is your dominant language? Do you have difficulty understanding other dialects of your dominant language? Have you traveled abroad where you had difficulty understanding the dialect or accent? What other languages besides your dominant language do you speak?
My dominant language and the only language that I am fluent with is English, and I do not find other dialects difficult to understand. When traveling abroad, the English language is common. However, there are difficulties encountered with trying to understand various accents.
Family roles and organization
How would you classify the decision-making process in your family—patriarchal, matriarchal,
or egalitarian? Does it vary by what decision has to be made? Are gender roles prescribed in your family? Who makes the decisions about health and health care?
The decision-making in the family is very patriarchal, and I can say it is very traditional. My household still adheres to gender roles, such as household chores being the woman's responsibility in the house. Still, when it comes to health care decisions, both genders participate in equal decision-making. I do not adhere to gender roles because I believe that it is the duty of everyone, regardless of gender, to maintain cleanliness and order in the household.
Workforce Issues
How timely are you in reporting to work? Do you see people in the workforce who do not report to work on time? What problems does it cause if they are not on time? What would you do as a supervisor to encourage people to report to work on time?
I am always on time or even early, especially during formal gatherings and work meetings, because I highly value the time of others. Others are always late, and it causes delays on the agenda for that day, affecting the lives of other people who are participating, so it is never a good thing to be late. I will abide by the supervisor's rules, and I will support it because it is the right thing to do so everyone will be productive and efficient. I adhere to this because being on time is a sign of showing respect towards other people's time (Constantino et al., 2018).
Biocultural Ecology
What are the most common illnesses and diseases in your family? In your community? What might you do to decrease the incidence of illness and diseases in your family? In your community?
Common diseases in the family are hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It is similar to the common illnesses in the community. Having scientific knowledge about these conditions, I can help my family and the community by raising awareness and teaching people how to prevent these conditions.
High-risk Behaviors
In which high-risk health behaviors do you engage? What do you do to control or reduce your risk? Which high-risk health behaviors do you see most frequently in your family? In your community? What might you do to help decrease these high-risk behaviors?
I do not engage in smoking, alcohol consumption, and illicit drugs. However, I enjoy high-risk sports activities, and it is also common in the family. It is a conscious decision, and I believe proper information regarding activity risks will help people be informed and decrease high-risk behaviors.<...
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