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Cultural Differences in Caring for Infants

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1 (Week 2)

Cultural Differences in Caring for Infants

The major assumptions of Piaget's theory of cognitive development are that infants are active agents in constructing knowledge and that the interaction of experience and biology leads to growth and development. The cultural-contextual view agrees with these assumptions but adds two more: (1) other people make active contributions to infant development, and (2) cultural practices, which reflect the dominant beliefs and values of a culture, shape infant interaction with others and, ultimately, shape cognitive development. Variations in sleeping and feeding behaviors reflect the role of infants in a culture. Beliefs about babies in different cultures determine how they are treated, who interacts with them, and, consequently, how babies experience their world.

Choose a culture other than your own, and fill in the chart with details contrasting how the 2 cultures care for infants. Use at least 2 resources, cited using APA style, to support your assertions about the different culture's ways of caring for infants. Before completing this assignment, be sure that you understand the definition of culture. Here is a resource that may be helpful. What is culture? Your references need to relate to concepts learned about culture and child care and must be scholarly/academic in nature. Use of .com websites is not appropriate. Please see the Grading Rubric below.

My own culture (give it a name):

A different culture:



Who are primary caretakers

Games and toys

Role of father

Grading Rubric

Possible points

Student points

You fully completed the chart


Your chart clearly showed an understanding of, and research about, cultural differences in attitudes towards raising infants


You supported your work with at least 2 appropriate references, cited in APA formatting


Your work was free of spelling and grammar errors


You met the minimum word count requirements or more (750 words)



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Cultural Differences in Caring of Infants
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Cultural Differences in Caring of Infants Different communities have different ways of life. People believe their customs, rituals, ideologies, and other essential aspects distinguish them from other societies. The difference stated in the second statement is what we call culture. Culture also affects their way of bringing up their children based on their primary principles that shape and transform them from children to mature human beings who portray who they are and where they come from. Many factors determine child development from the onset of birth to the age where they are considered fully mature men and women who can go out on their own to make a living. Some of these factors include primary caretakers, parents' role in their children's life, especially the father, their feeding and sleeping habits, and finally, their games. These factors are usually around them from when they are walking and learning the environment around them to when they fully mature. According to Jean Piaget, there are four stages of cognitive development. These stages are categorized based on age. They include the sensorimotor stage, which begins from birth to two years. The preoperational stage is the second stage which starts from two years to seven years. This concrete operational stage is the third stage, and it begins from seven years to eleven. Finally, the formal active stage is the last, and it starts from twelve years unto adulthood (McLeod, 2020). Culture plays a vital role in these different stages of child cognitive development. The cultural context/the surrounding, the social interactions, cultural experiences, and beliefs. In this paper, the influence of culture on infants' growth and development will be the main focus. This issue is to be approached from a comparative perspective between the writer's culture and a different culture. The main factors to be discussed include sleeping habits, feeding habits, the children's primary caretakers, children's games and toys, and finally, fathers' role in both cultures. Below is a cultural table between the writer's culture (name of culture) and the Indian culture.  
My own culture (name of culture)
The Indian culture
In my own culture, children between birth and two years sleep between twelve and fourteen years. Those between two to twelve years sleep for nine or ten hours. Beyond twelve years, they usually sleep for around eight hours. This sleeping pattern is appropriate according to international health standards with regards to sleeping in children.
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