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Critique of Research Study

Essay Instructions:

The same articles for order 00037438).

please inform the write r the book is polit and Beck (2012). Nursing Research generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (9th.ed). 

please informed the writer this we need to use the book chapter 5 box 5.2 from page 112- 114 for the quantitative and box 5.3 page 115-117 for the qualitative. i took pictures i will send those email shortly thanks.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critique of Research Study
Quantitative study: Implications of Nursing Faculties’ Cultural Competence
The title includes the key elements, which is the cultural competency for students in nursing faculties, given the changing demographics in the U.S.
The abstract summarized the essential information that was highlighted in the article, but the author did not break down the abstract information to capture the problem, methods, results, and conclusions. Nonetheless, Ume-Nwagbo (2012) points out that the research design was to rely on a descriptive correlation approach.
Statement of problem
According to Polit and Beck (2012), researchers ought to demonstrate in the introduction that the quantitative approach would be appropriate for their research studies when they intend to use this approach. Ume-Nwagbo (2012), mentions the increasing number minority students enrolled in baccalaureate nursing program (BSN) between the year 2000 and 2005, and this is a growing trend. This provides a clearer picture on the nursing situation in nursing programs, but the researcher should also have highlighted the percentage of minority nursing staff to give a clearer understanding how this affected cultural competency.
Hypotheses of research questions
The author focused on cultural competency among the nursing students who were mostly and hypothesized that they were most likely not culturally competent. The author also hypothesizes that those attending multicultural programs were more likely to be culturally competent. This observation is consistent with past studies, which show that such people are more culturally sensitive. However, the hypotheses made are not entirely backed by literature since some studies show that nurses are culturally competent while others show they are not.
Literature review
The reviewed research provided useful insights on cultural competence among nursing students and professionals. Individuals who had experienced more cultural diversity were likely to be culturally competent. Additionally, nursing programs that prioritized cultural sensitivity and competency had a positive influence on the participants’ experiences. Since the researcher chose recent researchers, the information was relevant to the study.
Conceptual/ Theoretical framework
The framework was appropriate as it was based on an instrument that assessed the level of cultural competency. The main features of the instrument were cultural knowledge, cultural skill, ...
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